slovo | definícia |
henry i (wn) | Henry I
n 1: King of England from 1100 to 1135; youngest son of William
the Conqueror; conquered Normandy in 1106 (1068-1135) [syn:
Henry I, Henry Beauclerc] |
| podobné slovo | definícia |
henry ii (wn) | Henry II
n 1: king of France from 1547 to 1559; regained Calais from the
English; husband of Catherine de Medicis and father of
Charles IX (1519-1559)
2: first Plantagenet King of England; instituted judicial and
financial reforms; quarreled with archbishop Becket
concerning the authority of the Crown over the church
(1133-1189) |
henry iii (wn) | Henry III
n 1: son of Henry II of France and the last Valois to be king of
France (1551-1589)
2: son of King John and king of England from 1216 to 1272; his
incompetence aroused baronial opposition led by Simon de
Montfort (1207-1272) |
henry iv (wn) | Henry IV
n 1: king of France from 1589 to 1610; although he was leader of
the Huguenot armies, when he succeeded the Catholic Henry
III and founded the Bourbon dynasty in 1589 he established
religious freedom in France; [syn: Henry IV, {Henry of
Navarre}, Henry the Great]
2: King of the Germans and Holy Roman Emperor (1050-1106)
3: the first Lancastrian king of England from 1399 to 1413;
deposed Richard II and suppressed rebellions (1367-1413)
[syn: Henry IV, Bolingbroke, Henry Bolingbroke] |
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