slovo | definícia |
henry v (wn) | Henry V
n 1: son of Henry IV and King of England from 1413 to 1422;
reopened the Hundred Years' War and defeated the French at
Agincourt (1387-1422) |
| podobné slovo | definícia |
henry viii (encz) | Henry VIII, |
henry valentine miller (wn) | Henry Valentine Miller
n 1: United States novelist whose novels were originally banned
as pornographic (1891-1980) [syn: Miller, Henry Miller,
Henry Valentine Miller] |
henry vi (wn) | Henry VI
n 1: son of Henry V who as an infant succeeded his father and
was King of England from 1422 to 1461; he was taken
prisoner in 1460 and Edward IV was proclaimed king; he was
rescued and regained the throne in 1470 but was recaptured
and murdered in the Tower of London (1421-1471) |
henry vii (wn) | Henry VII
n 1: King of the Germans and Holy Roman Emperor (1275-1313)
2: first Tudor king of England from 1485 to 1509; head of the
house of Lancaster in the War of the Roses; defeated Richard
III at Bosworth Field and was proclaimed king; married the
daughter of Edward IV and so united the houses of York and
Lancaster (1457-1509) [syn: Henry VII, Henry Tudor] |
henry viii (wn) | Henry VIII
n 1: son of Henry VII and King of England from 1509 to 1547; his
divorce from Catherine of Aragon resulted in his break with
the Catholic Church in 1534 and his excommunication 1538,
leading to the start of the Reformation in England
(1491-1547) |
henry villard (wn) | Henry Villard
n 1: United States railroad magnate and businessman (1835-1900)
[syn: Villard, Henry Villard] |
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