Hernia \Her"ni*a\, n.; pl. E. Hernias, L. Herni[ae]. [L.]
A protrusion, consisting of an organ or part which has
escaped from its natural cavity, and projects through some
natural or accidental opening in the walls of the latter; as,
hernia of the brain, of the lung, or of the bowels. Hernia of
the abdominal viscera in most common. Called also rupture.
[1913 Webster]

Strangulated hernia, a hernia so tightly compressed in some
part of the channel through which it has been protruded as
to arrest its circulation, and produce swelling of the
protruded part. It may occur in recent or chronic hernia,
but is more common in the latter.
[1913 Webster]
podobné slovodefinícia
Hernia \Her"ni*a\, n.; pl. E. Hernias, L. Herni[ae]. [L.]
A protrusion, consisting of an organ or part which has
escaped from its natural cavity, and projects through some
natural or accidental opening in the walls of the latter; as,
hernia of the brain, of the lung, or of the bowels. Hernia of
the abdominal viscera in most common. Called also rupture.
[1913 Webster]

Strangulated hernia, a hernia so tightly compressed in some
part of the channel through which it has been protruded as
to arrest its circulation, and produce swelling of the
protruded part. It may occur in recent or chronic hernia,
but is more common in the latter.
[1913 Webster]

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