slovo | definícia |
hordes (encz) | hordes,hordy n: pl. Zdeněk Brož |
| podobné slovo | definícia |
mongolian hordes technique (foldoc) | Mongolian Hordes technique
Chinese Army technique
(Or "Chinese Army technique") Assigning
a large number of inexperienced programmers to a job which
would better performed by a few skilled ones. The term was
first used by Dr. Fred Brooks in his book "{The Mythical
Man-Month}", Chapter 3.
According to Dr. Brooks, he had in mind the vision of the
Mongol Hordes sweeping across Asia and Europe when he created
the term.
[Jargon File]
mongolian hordes technique (jargon) | Mongolian Hordes technique
[poss. from the Sixties counterculture expression Mongolian clusterfuck for
a public orgy] Development by gang bang. Implies that large numbers of
inexperienced programmers are being put on a job better performed by a few
skilled ones (but see bazaar). Also called Chinese Army technique; see
also Brooks's Law.
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