input device
input device, n:
input device
input device
n 1: a device that can be used to insert data into a computer or
other computational device [syn: data input device,
input device]
input device
input device

A peripheral used to transfer data from the
outside world into a computer system. Some input devices are
operated directly by the user, e.g. keyboard, mouse,
touch screen, joystick, digitising tablet, microphone;
others are sensors or transducers which convert external
signals into data, e.g. using an {ananlog to digital
converter} (this would also be true of a microphone). Other
kinds of inputs are really one half of a bidirectional link
with another computer or storage device, e.g. serial line,
SCSI interface.

podobné slovodefinícia
data input device
data input device, n:
data input device
data input device
n 1: a device that can be used to insert data into a computer or
other computational device [syn: data input device,
input device]

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