internet adapter
Internet Adapter

The Internet Adapter (TIA). A program
from Cyberspace Development which runs on a Unix shell
account and acts as a SLIP emulator. A TIA emulated SLIP
account is not quite the same as a real SLIP account but TIA's
SLIP emulation is completely standard in terms of working with
MacTCP-based software on the Macintosh (or WinSock on a
Microsoft Windows machine).

You do not get your own Internet Address as you do with a
real SLIP account, instead, TIA uses the IP number of the
machine it runs on and "redirects" traffic back to you. You
cannot set up your machine as an FTP server, for instance,
since there's no IP number for an FTP client elsewhere to
connect to.

TIA's performance is reportedly good, faster than normal SLIP
in fact, and about as fast as Compressed SLIP. Future
releases will support CSLIP and even PPP.

Cyberspace Development has ported TIA to several versions of
Unix and more are on the way.

TERM is a free program which performs a similar function
between two machines both running Unix.


{Setting up TIA

Telnet (telnet://

Gopher (gopher://


E-mail: .

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