internet information server
Internet Information Server
Microsoft IIS
Microsoft Internet Information Server

(IIS) Microsoft's web server and {FTP
server} for Windows NT.

IIS is intended to meet the needs of a range of users: from
workgroups and departments on a corporate intranet to ISPs
hosting websites that receive millions of hits per day.

Features include innovative web publishing, customisable
tools, wizards, customisable management tools, flexible
administration options, and analysis tools.

IIS makes it easy to share documents and information across a
company intranet or the Internet, and is completely
integrated with Windows NT Directory Services.

IIS 1.0 was released for Windows NT 3.51 and had a limited
feature set.

IIS 2.0 was released with Windows NT 4.0 with a similar
feature set to IIS 1.0.

IIS 3.0 quickly followed with many additions including
Active Server Pages (ASP), ISAPI and ADO 1.0.

IIS 4.0 is built into Windows NT Server 4.0. It includes
ASP 2.0, ISAPI and ADO 1.5.


Rival servers include Apache and {Netscape Enterprise

podobné slovodefinícia
microsoft internet information server
Internet Information Server
Microsoft IIS
Microsoft Internet Information Server

(IIS) Microsoft's web server and {FTP
server} for Windows NT.

IIS is intended to meet the needs of a range of users: from
workgroups and departments on a corporate intranet to ISPs
hosting websites that receive millions of hits per day.

Features include innovative web publishing, customisable
tools, wizards, customisable management tools, flexible
administration options, and analysis tools.

IIS makes it easy to share documents and information across a
company intranet or the Internet, and is completely
integrated with Windows NT Directory Services.

IIS 1.0 was released for Windows NT 3.51 and had a limited
feature set.

IIS 2.0 was released with Windows NT 4.0 with a similar
feature set to IIS 1.0.

IIS 3.0 quickly followed with many additions including
Active Server Pages (ASP), ISAPI and ADO 1.0.

IIS 4.0 is built into Windows NT Server 4.0. It includes
ASP 2.0, ISAPI and ADO 1.5.


Rival servers include Apache and {Netscape Enterprise


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