INTercom Profile (Bluetooth), "IntP"
podobné slovodefinícia
discontinued out of printpredicate out of productionpredicate out of usepredicate
noncurrent \noncurrent\ adj.
not current or belonging to the present time. Opposite of
current. [Narrower terms: back(prenominal), out-of-date;
{discontinued, out of print(predicate), out of
production(predicate), out of use(predicate)}; {disused,
obsolete ; {obsolete, outdated, outmoded, out-of-date,
superannuated ; obsolescent ] Also See: {old, past.
[WordNet 1.5]
genus saintpaulia
genus Saintpaulia
n 1: east African herb with nodding flowers; widely cultivated
[syn: Saintpaulia, genus Saintpaulia]
n 1: east African herb with nodding flowers; widely cultivated
[syn: Saintpaulia, genus Saintpaulia]
saintpaulia ionantha
Saintpaulia ionantha
n 1: tropical African plant cultivated as a houseplant for its
violet or white or pink flowers [syn: African violet,
Saintpaulia ionantha]

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