slovo | definícia |
jack in (foldoc) | jack in
To log on to a machine or connect to a network or BBS,
especially for purposes of entering a virtual reality
simulation such as a MUD or IRC (leaving is "jacking
out"). This term derives from cyberpunk SF, in which it was
used for the act of plugging an electrode set into neural
sockets in order to interface the brain directly to a virtual
reality. It is primarily used by MUD and IRC fans and younger
hackers on BBS systems.
[Jargon File]
jack in (jargon) | jack in
To log on to a machine or connect to a network or BBS, esp. for purposes
of entering a virtual reality simulation such as a MUD or IRC
(leaving is “jacking out”). This term derives from cyberpunk SF, in which
it was used for the act of plugging an electrode set into neural sockets in
order to interface the brain directly to a virtual reality. It is primarily
used by MUD and IRC fans and younger hackers on BBS systems.
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