n 1: shrubs and woody climbers mostly of tropical and temperate
Old World: jasmine; jessamine [syn: Jasminum, {genus
podobné slovodefinícia
Jasminum angustifolia
Jasmine \Jas"mine\, n. [F. jasmin, Sp. jazmin, Ar.
y[=a]sm[imac]n, Pers. y[=a]sm[imac]n; cf. It. gesmino,
gelsomino. Cf. Jessamine.] (Bot.)
A shrubby plant of the genus Jasminum, bearing flowers of a
peculiarly fragrant odor. The Jasminum officinale, common
in the south of Europe, bears white flowers. The Arabian
jasmine is Jasminum Sambac, and, with {Jasminum
angustifolia}, comes from the East Indies. The yellow false
jasmine in the Gelseminum sempervirens (see Gelsemium).
Several other plants are called jasmine in the West Indies,
as species of Calotropis and Faramea. [Written also
[1913 Webster]

Cape jasmine, or Cape jessamine, the Gardenia florida,
a shrub with fragrant white flowers, a native of China,
and hardy in the Southern United States.
[1913 Webster]
Jasminum officinale
Jasmine \Jas"mine\, n. [F. jasmin, Sp. jazmin, Ar.
y[=a]sm[imac]n, Pers. y[=a]sm[imac]n; cf. It. gesmino,
gelsomino. Cf. Jessamine.] (Bot.)
A shrubby plant of the genus Jasminum, bearing flowers of a
peculiarly fragrant odor. The Jasminum officinale, common
in the south of Europe, bears white flowers. The Arabian
jasmine is Jasminum Sambac, and, with {Jasminum
angustifolia}, comes from the East Indies. The yellow false
jasmine in the Gelseminum sempervirens (see Gelsemium).
Several other plants are called jasmine in the West Indies,
as species of Calotropis and Faramea. [Written also
[1913 Webster]

Cape jasmine, or Cape jessamine, the Gardenia florida,
a shrub with fragrant white flowers, a native of China,
and hardy in the Southern United States.
[1913 Webster]
Jasminum Sambac
Jasmine \Jas"mine\, n. [F. jasmin, Sp. jazmin, Ar.
y[=a]sm[imac]n, Pers. y[=a]sm[imac]n; cf. It. gesmino,
gelsomino. Cf. Jessamine.] (Bot.)
A shrubby plant of the genus Jasminum, bearing flowers of a
peculiarly fragrant odor. The Jasminum officinale, common
in the south of Europe, bears white flowers. The Arabian
jasmine is Jasminum Sambac, and, with {Jasminum
angustifolia}, comes from the East Indies. The yellow false
jasmine in the Gelseminum sempervirens (see Gelsemium).
Several other plants are called jasmine in the West Indies,
as species of Calotropis and Faramea. [Written also
[1913 Webster]

Cape jasmine, or Cape jessamine, the Gardenia florida,
a shrub with fragrant white flowers, a native of China,
and hardy in the Southern United States.
[1913 Webster]
genus jasminum
genus Jasminum
n 1: shrubs and woody climbers mostly of tropical and temperate
Old World: jasmine; jessamine [syn: Jasminum, {genus
jasminum mesnyi
Jasminum mesnyi
n 1: evergreen rambling yellow-flowered shrub of western China
[syn: primrose jasmine, Jasminum mesnyi]
jasminum nudiflorum
Jasminum nudiflorum
n 1: deciduous rambling shrub widely cultivated for its winter-
blooming yellow flowers [syn: winter jasmine, {Jasminum
jasminum officinale
Jasminum officinale
n 1: a climbing deciduous shrub with fragrant white or yellow or
red flowers used in perfume and to flavor tea [syn: {common
jasmine}, true jasmine, jessamine, {Jasminum
jasminum sambac
Jasminum sambac
n 1: East Indian evergreen vine cultivated for its profuse
fragrant white flowers [syn: Arabian jasmine, {Jasminum

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