Judas,Jidáš n: [jmén.] web
Judas \Ju"das\, n.
The disciple who betrayed Christ. Hence: A treacherous
person; one who betrays under the semblance of friendship. --
a. Treacherous; betraying.
[1913 Webster]

Judas hole, a peephole or secret opening for spying.

Judas kiss,
(a) a deceitful and treacherous kiss.
(b) an act appearing to be an act of friendship, which is in
fact harmful to the recipient.

Judas tree (Bot.), a leguminous tree of the genus Cercis,
with pretty, rose-colored flowers in clusters along the
branches. Judas is said to have hanged himself on a tree
of this genus (Cercis Siliquastrum). Cercis Canadensis
and Cercis occidentalis are the American species, and
are called also redbud.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: (New Testament) supposed brother of St. James; one of the
Apostles who is invoked in prayer when a situation seems
hopeless [syn: Jude, Saint Jude, St. Jude, Judas,
2: (New Testament) the Apostle who betrayed Jesus to his enemies
for 30 pieces of silver [syn: Judas, Judas Iscariot]
3: someone who betrays under the guise of friendship
4: a one-way peephole in a door
podobné slovodefinícia
judas iscariot
Judas Iscariot,Jidáš Iškariotský n: [jmén.] zrádce Ježíše Stanislav
judas tree
Judas tree,
Judas \Ju"das\, n.
The disciple who betrayed Christ. Hence: A treacherous
person; one who betrays under the semblance of friendship. --
a. Treacherous; betraying.
[1913 Webster]

Judas hole, a peephole or secret opening for spying.

Judas kiss,
(a) a deceitful and treacherous kiss.
(b) an act appearing to be an act of friendship, which is in
fact harmful to the recipient.

Judas tree (Bot.), a leguminous tree of the genus Cercis,
with pretty, rose-colored flowers in clusters along the
branches. Judas is said to have hanged himself on a tree
of this genus (Cercis Siliquastrum). Cercis Canadensis
and Cercis occidentalis are the American species, and
are called also redbud.
[1913 Webster]
Judas hole
Judas \Ju"das\, n.
The disciple who betrayed Christ. Hence: A treacherous
person; one who betrays under the semblance of friendship. --
a. Treacherous; betraying.
[1913 Webster]

Judas hole, a peephole or secret opening for spying.

Judas kiss,
(a) a deceitful and treacherous kiss.
(b) an act appearing to be an act of friendship, which is in
fact harmful to the recipient.

Judas tree (Bot.), a leguminous tree of the genus Cercis,
with pretty, rose-colored flowers in clusters along the
branches. Judas is said to have hanged himself on a tree
of this genus (Cercis Siliquastrum). Cercis Canadensis
and Cercis occidentalis are the American species, and
are called also redbud.
[1913 Webster]
Judas kiss
Judas \Ju"das\, n.
The disciple who betrayed Christ. Hence: A treacherous
person; one who betrays under the semblance of friendship. --
a. Treacherous; betraying.
[1913 Webster]

Judas hole, a peephole or secret opening for spying.

Judas kiss,
(a) a deceitful and treacherous kiss.
(b) an act appearing to be an act of friendship, which is in
fact harmful to the recipient.

Judas tree (Bot.), a leguminous tree of the genus Cercis,
with pretty, rose-colored flowers in clusters along the
branches. Judas is said to have hanged himself on a tree
of this genus (Cercis Siliquastrum). Cercis Canadensis
and Cercis occidentalis are the American species, and
are called also redbud.
[1913 Webster]
Judas tree
Judas \Ju"das\, n.
The disciple who betrayed Christ. Hence: A treacherous
person; one who betrays under the semblance of friendship. --
a. Treacherous; betraying.
[1913 Webster]

Judas hole, a peephole or secret opening for spying.

Judas kiss,
(a) a deceitful and treacherous kiss.
(b) an act appearing to be an act of friendship, which is in
fact harmful to the recipient.

Judas tree (Bot.), a leguminous tree of the genus Cercis,
with pretty, rose-colored flowers in clusters along the
branches. Judas is said to have hanged himself on a tree
of this genus (Cercis Siliquastrum). Cercis Canadensis
and Cercis occidentalis are the American species, and
are called also redbud.
[1913 Webster]
Judas-colored \Ju"das-col`ored\, a.
Red; -- from a tradition that Judas Iscariot had red hair and
[1913 Webster]

There's treachery in that Judas-colored beard.
[1913 Webster]
judas iscariot
Judas Iscariot
n 1: (New Testament) the Apostle who betrayed Jesus to his
enemies for 30 pieces of silver [syn: Judas, {Judas
judas maccabaeus
Judas Maccabaeus
n 1: Jewish leader of a revolt in Judea that recovered Jerusalem
around 166 BC; hero of the Apocryphal books I Maccabees and
II Maccabees (?-161 BC)
judas tree
Judas tree
n 1: small tree of the eastern Mediterranean having abundant
purplish-red flowers growing on old wood directly from
stems and appearing before the leaves: widely cultivated in
mild regions; wood valuable for veneers [syn: Judas tree,
love tree, Circis siliquastrum]

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