Lagomorpha \Lag`o*mor"pha\ (l[a^]g`[-o]*m[^o]r"f[.a]), prop. n.
pl. [NL., fr. Gr. lagw`s a hare + morfh` form.] (Zool.)
an order of rodent-like mammals, comprising the hares,
rabbits, and pikas. They have four incisors in the upper jaw.
Called also Duplicidentata. They were formerly classified
together with the rodents, but the Rodentia and
Lagomorpha are now classed as separate orders.
[1913 Webster +PJC]
n 1: rabbits; hares; pikas; formerly considered the suborder
Duplicidentata of the order Rodentia [syn: Lagomorpha,
order Lagomorpha]
podobné slovodefinícia
order lagomorpha
order Lagomorpha, n:
Lagomorpha \Lag`o*mor"pha\ (l[a^]g`[-o]*m[^o]r"f[.a]), prop. n.
pl. [NL., fr. Gr. lagw`s a hare + morfh` form.] (Zool.)
an order of rodent-like mammals, comprising the hares,
rabbits, and pikas. They have four incisors in the upper jaw.
Called also Duplicidentata. They were formerly classified
together with the rodents, but the Rodentia and
Lagomorpha are now classed as separate orders.
[1913 Webster +PJC]
order lagomorpha
order Lagomorpha
n 1: rabbits; hares; pikas; formerly considered the suborder
Duplicidentata of the order Rodentia [syn: Lagomorpha,
order Lagomorpha]

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