law of thermodynamics
law of thermodynamics, n:
law of thermodynamics
law of thermodynamics
n 1: (physics) a law governing the relations between states of
energy in a closed system
podobné slovodefinícia
first law of thermodynamics
first law of thermodynamics, n:
second law of thermodynamics
second law of thermodynamics, n:
third law of thermodynamics
third law of thermodynamics, n:
zeroth law of thermodynamics
zeroth law of thermodynamics, n:
first law of thermodynamics
first law of thermodynamics
n 1: the fundamental principle of physics that the total energy
of an isolated system is constant despite internal changes
[syn: conservation of energy, {law of conservation of
energy}, first law of thermodynamics]
second law of thermodynamics
second law of thermodynamics
n 1: a law stating that mechanical work can be derived from a
body only when that body interacts with another at a lower
temperature; any spontaneous process results in an increase
of entropy
third law of thermodynamics
third law of thermodynamics
n 1: law stating that the entropy of a substance approaches zero
as its temperature approaches absolute zero
zeroth law of thermodynamics
zeroth law of thermodynamics
n 1: the law that if two bodies are in thermal equilibrium with
a third body then the first two bodies are in thermal
equilibrium with each other

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