- kúpalisko
lido,koupaliště Zdeněk Brož
lido \lido\ n.
1. [After the Lido, a group of sandy barrier islands between
the lagoon of Venice and the Adriatic, a popular beach
resort.] A recreational facility, especially one including
a swimming pool for water sports. [British]
[WordNet 1.5]
n 1: a recreational facility including a swimming pool for water

An input language for the attribute evaluator generator LIGA
(a successor of GAG and a subsystem of the Eli
compiler-compiler). LIDO is derived from GAG's input language

["LIDO: A Specification Language for Attribute Grammars",
U. Kastens , Fab Math-Inf, U Paderborn
(Oct 1989)].

LInux cluster DOrtmund, "LiDO"
podobné slovodefinícia
chlorthalidone, n:
dermatocelidosis,pihy n: Zdeněk Brož
lido deck
lido deck, n:
lidocaine,lidokain Zdeněk Brož
order pholidota
order Pholidota, n:
thalidomide,thalidomid Sedativum stažené z prodeje po zjištění; že
způsobuje defekty plodu. >FDA< ho v roce 1998 schválil k léčbě (za
přísných podmínek) lepry. Martin M.
euklidovský,euclideanadj: Zdeněk Brož
hypotetický tvor mezi lidoopy a člověkem
hypotetický tvor mezi lidoopy a člověkem,missing linkn: [zoo.] v
darwinovské teorii Petr Prášek
klidová doba
klidová doba,dwell timen: [tech.] parkmaj
klidový proud
klidový proud,biasn: [el.] znáte lepší překlad parkmaj
kolidoval,collided Jaroslav Šedivý
kolidovat,clashv: Zdeněk Brožkolidovat,collidev: Zdeněk Brož
kolidovat s
kolidovat s,collide with Zdeněk Brož
konsolidovat,consolidatev: Zdeněk Brož
lidojedský,cannibalisticadj: Zdeněk Brož
lidokain,lidocaine Zdeněk Brož
lidoop,anthropoidn: Zdeněk Brožlidoop,apen:
lidovost,folksinessn: Zdeněk Brož
lidová hudba
lidová hudba,country musicn: Zdeněk Brož
lidová píseň
lidová píseň,folk songn: lidová píseň,folksongn:
lidová řeč
lidová řeč,vulgate Zdeněk Brož
lidové hlasování
lidové hlasování,plebisciten: Zdeněk Brož
lidové umění
lidové umění,folk art Pavel Cvrček
lidové vyprávění
lidové vyprávění,folk talen: Zdeněk Brož
lidový,folkadj: lidový,folksyadj: Zdeněk Brožlidový,popularadj: lidový,vernacular Martin M.
lidový tanec
lidový tanec,folk dancen:
lidový zpěvák
lidový zpěvák,folksingern: pasky
lidožrout,cannibaln: Zdeněk Brožlidožrout,maneatern: Zdeněk Brož
lidožroutský,cannibalicadj: Zdeněk Brož
muzeum lidového umění
muzeum lidového umění,folk museum Pavel Cvrček
starý lidový tanec
starý lidový tanec,hornpipen: Zdeněk Brož
thalidomid,thalidomide Sedativum stažené z prodeje po zjištění; že
způsobuje defekty plodu. >FDA< ho v roce 1998 schválil k léčbě (za
přísných podmínek) lepry. Martin M.
validovat,validatev: Zdeněk Brož
vstupní klidový proud
vstupní klidový proud,input bias current[el.] parkmaj
zpěváci lidových písní
zpěváci lidových písní,minstrels Zdeněk Brož
zpěvák lidových písní
zpěvák lidových písní,minstrel Zdeněk Brož
čínská lidová republika
Čínská lidová republika,People's Republic of China[zem.] Petr Prášek
Annelidous \An*nel"i*dous\, a. (Zool.)
Of the nature of an annelid.
[1913 Webster]
Celidography \Cel`i*dog"ra*phy\, n. [Gr. ?, ? stain, spot +
-graphy: cf. F. c['e]lidographie.]
A description of apparent spots on the disk of the sun, or on
[1913 Webster]
Chelidon \Chel"i*don\, n. [NL., fr. Gr. chelidw`n.] (Anat.)
The hollow at the flexure of the arm.
[1913 Webster]
Chelidon rustica
Swallow \Swal"low\, n. [OE. swalowe, AS. swalewe, swealwe; akin
to D. zwaluw, OHG. swalawa, G. schwalbe, Icel. & Sw. svala,
Dan. svale.]
1. (Zool.) Any one of numerous species of passerine birds of
the family Hirundinidae, especially one of those species
in which the tail is deeply forked. They have long,
pointed wings, and are noted for the swiftness and
gracefulness of their flight.
[1913 Webster]

Note: The most common North American species are the barn
swallow (see under Barn), the cliff, or eaves,
swallow (see under Cliff), the white-bellied, or
tree, swallow (Tachycineta bicolor), and the bank
swallow (see under Bank). The common European swallow
(Chelidon rustica), and the window swallow, or martin
(Chelidon urbica), are familiar species.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Zool.) Any one of numerous species of swifts which
resemble the true swallows in form and habits, as the
common American chimney swallow, or swift.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Naut.) The aperture in a block through which the rope
reeves. --Ham. Nav. Encyc.
[1913 Webster]

Swallow plover (Zool.), any one of several species of
fork-tailed ploverlike birds of the genus Glareola, as
Glareola orientalis of India; a pratincole.

Swallow shrike (Zool.), any one of several species of East
Indian and Asiatic birds of the family Artamiidae,
allied to the shrikes but similar to swallows in
appearance and habits. The ashy swallow shrike ({Artamus
fuscus}) is common in India.

Swallow warbler (Zool.), any one of numerous species of
East Indian and Australian singing birds of the genus
Dicaeum. They are allied to the honeysuckers.
[1913 Webster]
Chelidon urbica
Martin \Mar"tin\, n. [F. martin, from the proper name Martin.
Cf. Martlet.] (Zool.)
One of several species of swallows, usually having the tail
less deeply forked than the tail of the common swallows.
[Written also marten.]
[1913 Webster]

Note: The American purple martin, or bee martin ({Progne
subis} or Progne purpurea), and the European {house
martin}, or window martin (Hirundo urbica or
Chelidon urbica), are the best known species.
[1913 Webster]

Bank martin.
(a) The bank swallow. See under Bank.
(b) The fairy martin. See under Fairy.

Bee martin.
(a) The purple martin.
(b) The kingbird.

Sand martin, the bank swallow.
[1913 Webster]Swallow \Swal"low\, n. [OE. swalowe, AS. swalewe, swealwe; akin
to D. zwaluw, OHG. swalawa, G. schwalbe, Icel. & Sw. svala,
Dan. svale.]
1. (Zool.) Any one of numerous species of passerine birds of
the family Hirundinidae, especially one of those species
in which the tail is deeply forked. They have long,
pointed wings, and are noted for the swiftness and
gracefulness of their flight.
[1913 Webster]

Note: The most common North American species are the barn
swallow (see under Barn), the cliff, or eaves,
swallow (see under Cliff), the white-bellied, or
tree, swallow (Tachycineta bicolor), and the bank
swallow (see under Bank). The common European swallow
(Chelidon rustica), and the window swallow, or martin
(Chelidon urbica), are familiar species.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Zool.) Any one of numerous species of swifts which
resemble the true swallows in form and habits, as the
common American chimney swallow, or swift.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Naut.) The aperture in a block through which the rope
reeves. --Ham. Nav. Encyc.
[1913 Webster]

Swallow plover (Zool.), any one of several species of
fork-tailed ploverlike birds of the genus Glareola, as
Glareola orientalis of India; a pratincole.

Swallow shrike (Zool.), any one of several species of East
Indian and Asiatic birds of the family Artamiidae,
allied to the shrikes but similar to swallows in
appearance and habits. The ashy swallow shrike ({Artamus
fuscus}) is common in India.

Swallow warbler (Zool.), any one of numerous species of
East Indian and Australian singing birds of the genus
Dicaeum. They are allied to the honeysuckers.
[1913 Webster]
Chelidonic \Chel`i*don"ic\, a. [See Celandine.] (Chem.)
Of, pertaining to, or derived from, the celandine.
[1913 Webster]

Chelidonic acid, a weak acid extracted from the celandine
(Chelidonium majus), as a white crystalline substance.
[1913 Webster]
Chelidonic acid
Chelidonic \Chel`i*don"ic\, a. [See Celandine.] (Chem.)
Of, pertaining to, or derived from, the celandine.
[1913 Webster]

Chelidonic acid, a weak acid extracted from the celandine
(Chelidonium majus), as a white crystalline substance.
[1913 Webster]
Chelidonium \Chelidonium\ n.
a genu having only one species; the greater celandine.

Syn: genus Chelidonium.
[WordNet 1.5]
Chelidonium majus
Celandine \Cel"an*dine\ (s[e^]l"[a^]n*d[imac]n), n. [OE.
celidoine, OF. celidoine, F. ch['e]lidoine, fr. L. chelidonia
(sc. herba), fr. chelidonius pertaining to the swallow, Gr.
chelido`nios, fr. chelidw`n the swallow, akin to L. hirundo a
swallow.] (Bot.)
A perennial herbaceous plant (Chelidonium majus) of the
poppy family, with yellow flowers. It is used as a medicine
in jaundice, etc., and its acrid saffron-colored juice is
used to cure warts and the itch; -- called also {greater
celandine} and swallowwort.
[1913 Webster]

Lasser celandine, the pilewort (Ranunculus Ficaria).
[1913 Webster]Chelidonic \Chel`i*don"ic\, a. [See Celandine.] (Chem.)
Of, pertaining to, or derived from, the celandine.
[1913 Webster]

Chelidonic acid, a weak acid extracted from the celandine
(Chelidonium majus), as a white crystalline substance.
[1913 Webster]
Chelidonius \Chel`i*do"ni*us\, n. [L. (sc. lapillus.)]
A small stone taken from the gizzard of a young swallow. --
anciently worn as a medicinal charm.
[1913 Webster]
Halidom \Hal"i*dom\ (h[a^]l"[i^]*d[u^]m), n. [AS. h[=a]ligd[=o]m
holiness, sacrament, sanctuary, relics; h[=a]lig holy +
-d[=o]m, E. -dom. See Holy.]
1. Holiness; sanctity; sacred oath; sacred things; sanctuary;
-- used chiefly in oaths. [Archaic]
[1913 Webster]

So God me help and halidom. --Piers
[1913 Webster]

By my halidom, I was fast asleep. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

2. Holy doom; the Last Day. [R.] --Shipley.
[1913 Webster]
Hallidome \Hal"li*dome\ (h[a^]l"l[i^]*d[=o]m), n.
Same as Halidom.
[1913 Webster]
Hamamelidoxylon \Hamamelidoxylon\ n.
A genus of fossil plants having wood identical with or
similar to that of the witch hazel.

Syn: genus Hamamelidoxylon.
[WordNet 1.5]
Olid \Ol"id\, Olidous \Ol"i*dous\, a. [L. olidus, fr. olere to
Having a strong, disagreeable smell; fetid. [Obs.] --Boyle.
--Sir T. Browne.
[1913 Webster]
Petrochelidon lunifrons
Cliff \Cliff\ (kl[i^]f), n. [AS. clif, cloef; akin to OS. klif,
D. klif, klip, Icel. klif, Dan. & G. klippe, Sw. klippa;
perh. orig. a climbing place. See Climb.]
A high, steep rock; a precipice.
[1913 Webster]

Cliff swallow (Zool.), a North American swallow
(Petrochelidon lunifrons), which builds its nest against
cliffs; the eaves swallow.
[1913 Webster]
Slidometer \Sli*dom"e*ter\, n. [Slide + -meter.]
An instrument for indicating and recording shocks to railway
cars occasioned by sudden stopping.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: one species: greater celandine [syn: Chelidonium, {genus
chelidonium majus
Chelidonium majus
n 1: perennial herb with branched woody stock and bright yellow
flowers [syn: celandine, greater celandine,
swallowwort, swallow wort, Chelidonium majus]
n 1: a diuretic (trade names Hygroton and Thalidone) used to
control hypertension and conditions that cause edema;
effective in lowering blood pressure to prevent heart
attacks [syn: chlorthalidone, Hygroton, Thalidone]
genus chelidonium
genus Chelidonium
n 1: one species: greater celandine [syn: Chelidonium, {genus
genus hamamelidoxylon
genus Hamamelidoxylon
n 1: genus of fossil plants having wood identical with or
similar to that of the witch hazel [syn: Hamamelidoxylon,
genus Hamamelidoxylon]
genus pholidota
genus Pholidota
n 1: genus of mostly epiphytic orchids of Indonesia and the
western Pacific [syn: Pholidota, genus Pholidota]
n 1: genus of fossil plants having wood identical with or
similar to that of the witch hazel [syn: Hamamelidoxylon,
genus Hamamelidoxylon]
lido deck
lido deck
n 1: an open deck including a swimming pool
n 1: a local anesthetic (trade names Lidocaine and Xylocaine)
used topically on the skin and mucous membranes [syn:
Lidocaine, Xylocaine]
order pholidota
order Pholidota
n 1: pangolins; in some former classifications included in the
order Edentata [syn: Pholidota, order Pholidota]
n 1: genus of mostly epiphytic orchids of Indonesia and the
western Pacific [syn: Pholidota, genus Pholidota]
2: pangolins; in some former classifications included in the
order Edentata [syn: Pholidota, order Pholidota]
n 1: a sedative and hypnotic drug; withdrawn from sale after
discovered to cause severe birth defects because it
inhibits angiogenesis
n 1: a diuretic (trade names Hygroton and Thalidone) used to
control hypertension and conditions that cause edema;
effective in lowering blood pressure to prevent heart
attacks [syn: chlorthalidone, Hygroton, Thalidone]
IN SOLIDO. A term used in the civil law, to signify that a contract is
2. Obligations are in solido, first, between several creditors;
secondly, between several debtors. 1. When a person contracts the obligation
of one and the same thing, in favor of several others, each of these is only
creditor for his own share, but he may contract with each of them for the
whole when such is the intention of the parties, so that each of the persons
in whose favor the obligation is contracted, is creditor for the whole, but
that a payment made to any one liberates the debtor against them all. This
is called solidity of obligation. Poth. Ob. pt. 2, c. 3, art. 7. The common
law is exactly the reverse of this, for a general obligation in favor of
several persons, is a joint obligation to them all, unless the nature of the
subject, or the particularity of the expression lead to a different
conclusion. Evans' Poth. vol. 2, p. 56. See tit. Joint and Several; Parties
to action.
3.-2. An obligation is contracted in solido on the part of the
debtors, when each of them is obliged for the whole, but so that a payment
made by one liberates them all. Poth. Ob. pt. 2, c. 3, art. 7, s 1. See 9
M. R. 322; 5 L. R. 287; 2 N. S. 140; 3 L. R. 352; 4 N. S. 317; 5 L. R. 122;
12 M. R. 216; Burge on Sur. 398-420.

SOLIDO, IN, civil law. In solido, is a term used to designate those
contracts in which the obligors are bound, jointly and severally, or in
which several obligees are each entitled to demand the whole of what is due.
2.-1. There is an obligation in solido on the part of debtors, when
they are all obliged to the same thing, so that each may be compelled to pay
the whole, and when the payment which is made by one of them, exonerates the
others towards the creditor.
3.-2. The obligation is in solido, or joint and several between several
creditors, when the title expressly gives to each of them the right of
demanding payment of the total of what is due, and when the payment to any
one of them discharges the debtor. Civ. Code of La. 2083,2086; Merl. Repert.
h.t.; Domat, Index, h.t. See In solido.

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