limbs,končetiny n: pl. Zdeněk Brož
limbs,údy n: pl. Zdeněk Brož
LIMBS. Those members of a man which may be useful to him in flight, and the
unlawful deprivation of which by another amounts to a mayhem at common law.
1 Bl. Com. 130. If a man, se defendendo, commit homicide, he will be
excused; and if he enter into an apparent contract, under a well-grounded
apprehension of losing his life or limbs, he may afterwards avoid it. 1 Bl.

podobné slovodefinícia
seal limbs
seal limbs, n:
seal limbs
seal limbs
n 1: an abnormality of development in which the upper part of an
arm or leg is missing so the hands or feet are attached to
the body like stumps; rare condition that results from
taking thalidomide during pregnancy [syn: phocomelia,
seal limbs]
LIMBS. Those members of a man which may be useful to him in flight, and the
unlawful deprivation of which by another amounts to a mayhem at common law.
1 Bl. Com. 130. If a man, se defendendo, commit homicide, he will be
excused; and if he enter into an apparent contract, under a well-grounded
apprehension of losing his life or limbs, he may afterwards avoid it. 1 Bl.

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