line printer
line printer,řádková tiskárna n: Zdeněk Brož
line printer
line printer
n 1: printer that serves as an output device on a computer;
prints a whole line of characters at a time [syn: {line
printer}, line-at-a-time printer]
line printer
line printer

A printer that prints one entire line at a time.
Print quality is low compared with a laser printer. Line
printers typically use sprocket feed and wide fanfold paper.

Line printer speed is usually measured in lines per minute
(lpm). 1200 lpm is a good rate for a line printer like a 3205
m5. 66 lines per page is typical, giving 18 pages per minute
(ppm). This assumes all upper case, if a mixed case print
train is used, throughput is halved. By comparison, a fast
laser printer can output 100+ ppm

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