- zostava
- zostava
line-up,nominace n: Zdeněk Brož
line-up,nominace hráčů n: [sport.] Zdeněk Brož
line-up,seskupení n: Zdeněk Brož
line-up,sestava n: Zdeněk Brož
line-up,sestava hráčů Zdeněk Brož
Line-up \Line"-up`\, Lineup \Line"up`\ (l[imac]n"[u^]p), n.
1. The members of a team who are scheduled to play a game.

2. Specifically: The formation of football players before the
start or a restart of play.

3. Specifically: (baseball) a list of batters in the order in
which they will bat. [WordNet sense 1]

Syn: batting order, card, lineup.
[WordNet 1.5]

4. Hence: any arrangement of persons (rarely, of things),
esp. when having a common purpose or sentiment; as, the
line-up at a ticket-office window; the line-up of
political factions. [Colloq.]

5. A group of persons including a suspect in a police
investigation, arranged so as to be observed by a witness,
who is requested to identify the perpetrator, if he/she is
present in the group. Such an identification may be used
as evidence of guilt of the suspect. Also called a {police
lineup}. [WordNet sense 2]
podobné slovodefinícia
- zostavaline-up
- zostava
crack the line-up
crack the line-up,pasovat do týmu Zdeněk Brož
Line-up \Line"-up`\, Lineup \Line"up`\ (l[imac]n"[u^]p), n.
1. The members of a team who are scheduled to play a game.

2. Specifically: The formation of football players before the
start or a restart of play.

3. Specifically: (baseball) a list of batters in the order in
which they will bat. [WordNet sense 1]

Syn: batting order, card, lineup.
[WordNet 1.5]

4. Hence: any arrangement of persons (rarely, of things),
esp. when having a common purpose or sentiment; as, the
line-up at a ticket-office window; the line-up of
political factions. [Colloq.]

5. A group of persons including a suspect in a police
investigation, arranged so as to be observed by a witness,
who is requested to identify the perpetrator, if he/she is
present in the group. Such an identification may be used
as evidence of guilt of the suspect. Also called a {police
lineup}. [WordNet sense 2]
Line-up \Line"-up`\, Lineup \Line"up`\ (l[imac]n"[u^]p), n.
1. The members of a team who are scheduled to play a game.

2. Specifically: The formation of football players before the
start or a restart of play.

3. Specifically: (baseball) a list of batters in the order in
which they will bat. [WordNet sense 1]

Syn: batting order, card, lineup.
[WordNet 1.5]

4. Hence: any arrangement of persons (rarely, of things),
esp. when having a common purpose or sentiment; as, the
line-up at a ticket-office window; the line-up of
political factions. [Colloq.]

5. A group of persons including a suspect in a police
investigation, arranged so as to be observed by a witness,
who is requested to identify the perpetrator, if he/she is
present in the group. Such an identification may be used
as evidence of guilt of the suspect. Also called a {police
lineup}. [WordNet sense 2]
police lineup
Line-up \Line"-up`\, Lineup \Line"up`\ (l[imac]n"[u^]p), n.
1. The members of a team who are scheduled to play a game.

2. Specifically: The formation of football players before the
start or a restart of play.

3. Specifically: (baseball) a list of batters in the order in
which they will bat. [WordNet sense 1]

Syn: batting order, card, lineup.
[WordNet 1.5]

4. Hence: any arrangement of persons (rarely, of things),
esp. when having a common purpose or sentiment; as, the
line-up at a ticket-office window; the line-up of
political factions. [Colloq.]

5. A group of persons including a suspect in a police
investigation, arranged so as to be observed by a witness,
who is requested to identify the perpetrator, if he/she is
present in the group. Such an identification may be used
as evidence of guilt of the suspect. Also called a {police
lineup}. [WordNet sense 2]

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