slovo | definícia |
listera (wn) | Listera
n 1: genus of terrestrial orchids having usually a single pair
of broad shining leaves near the middle of the stem; found
in temperate Asia and North America and Europe [syn:
Listera, genus Listera] |
| podobné slovo | definícia |
genus listera (wn) | genus Listera
n 1: genus of terrestrial orchids having usually a single pair
of broad shining leaves near the middle of the stem; found
in temperate Asia and North America and Europe [syn:
Listera, genus Listera] |
listera convallarioides (wn) | Listera convallarioides
n 1: small orchid with two elliptic leaves and a slender raceme
of small green flowers; western North America [syn: {broad-
leaved twayblade}, Listera convallarioides] |
listera cordata (wn) | Listera cordata
n 1: orchid having two triangular leaves and a short lax raceme
of green to rust-colored flowers with the lip flushed
mauve; Europe and Asia and North America and Greenland
[syn: lesser twayblade, Listera cordata] |
listera ovata (wn) | Listera ovata
n 1: orchid having a pair of ovate leaves and a long slender
raceme of green flowers sometimes tinged red-brown; Europe
to central Asia [syn: twayblade, Listera ovata] |
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