logarithm,logaritmus n: [mat.] Ritchie
Logarithm \Log"a*rithm\ (l[o^]g"[.a]*r[i^][th]'m), n. [Gr.
lo`gos word, account, proportion + 'ariqmo`s number: cf. F.
logarithme.] (Math.)
One of a class of auxiliary numbers, devised by John Napier,
of Merchiston, Scotland (1550-1617), to abridge arithmetical
calculations, by the use of addition and subtraction in place
of multiplication and division.

Note: The relation of logarithms to common numbers is that of
numbers in an arithmetical series to corresponding
numbers in a geometrical series, so that sums and
differences of the former indicate respectively
products and quotients of the latter; thus,
0 1 2 3 4 Indices or logarithms
1 10 100 1000 10,000 Numbers in geometrical progression
Hence, the logarithm of any given number is the
exponent of a power to which another given invariable
number, called the base, must be raised in order to
produce that given number. Thus, let 10 be the base,
then 2 is the logarithm of 100, because 10^2 = 100,
and 3 is the logarithm of 1,000, because 10^3 =
[1913 Webster]

Arithmetical complement of a logarithm, the difference
between a logarithm and the number ten.

Binary logarithms. See under Binary.

Common logarithms, or Brigg's logarithms, logarithms of
which the base is 10; -- so called from Henry Briggs, who
invented them.

Gauss's logarithms, tables of logarithms constructed for
facilitating the operation of finding the logarithm of the
sum of difference of two quantities from the logarithms of
the quantities, one entry of those tables and two
additions or subtractions answering the purpose of three
entries of the common tables and one addition or
subtraction. They were suggested by the celebrated German
mathematician Karl Friedrich Gauss (died in 1855), and are
of great service in many astronomical computations.

Hyperbolic logarithm or Napierian logarithm or {Natural
logarithm}, a logarithm (devised by John Speidell, 1619) of
which the base is e (2.718281828459045...); -- so called
from Napier, the inventor of logarithms.

Logistic logarithms or Proportional logarithms, See under
[1913 Webster] Logarithmetic
n 1: the exponent required to produce a given number [syn:
logarithm, log]
podobné slovodefinícia
antilogarithm,antilogaritmus n: Zdeněk Brožantilogarithm,exponenciální funkce Pavel Cvrček
common logarithm
common logarithm, n:
logarithmic,logaritmický adj: [mat.] Ritchie
logarithmic scale
logarithmic scale, n:
logarithmically,logaritmicky adv: Zdeněk Brož
natural logarithm
natural logarithm, n:
Antilogarithm \An`ti*log"a*rithm\, n. (Math.)
The number corresponding to a logarithm. The word has been
sometimes, though rarely, used to denote the complement of a
given logarithm; also the logarithmic cosine corresponding to
a given logarithmic sine. -- An`ti*log`a*rith"mic, a.
[1913 Webster]
Antilogarithm \An`ti*log"a*rithm\, n. (Math.)
The number corresponding to a logarithm. The word has been
sometimes, though rarely, used to denote the complement of a
given logarithm; also the logarithmic cosine corresponding to
a given logarithmic sine. -- An`ti*log`a*rith"mic, a.
[1913 Webster]
Arithmetical complement of a logarithm
Logarithm \Log"a*rithm\ (l[o^]g"[.a]*r[i^][th]'m), n. [Gr.
lo`gos word, account, proportion + 'ariqmo`s number: cf. F.
logarithme.] (Math.)
One of a class of auxiliary numbers, devised by John Napier,
of Merchiston, Scotland (1550-1617), to abridge arithmetical
calculations, by the use of addition and subtraction in place
of multiplication and division.

Note: The relation of logarithms to common numbers is that of
numbers in an arithmetical series to corresponding
numbers in a geometrical series, so that sums and
differences of the former indicate respectively
products and quotients of the latter; thus,
0 1 2 3 4 Indices or logarithms
1 10 100 1000 10,000 Numbers in geometrical progression
Hence, the logarithm of any given number is the
exponent of a power to which another given invariable
number, called the base, must be raised in order to
produce that given number. Thus, let 10 be the base,
then 2 is the logarithm of 100, because 10^2 = 100,
and 3 is the logarithm of 1,000, because 10^3 =
[1913 Webster]

Arithmetical complement of a logarithm, the difference
between a logarithm and the number ten.

Binary logarithms. See under Binary.

Common logarithms, or Brigg's logarithms, logarithms of
which the base is 10; -- so called from Henry Briggs, who
invented them.

Gauss's logarithms, tables of logarithms constructed for
facilitating the operation of finding the logarithm of the
sum of difference of two quantities from the logarithms of
the quantities, one entry of those tables and two
additions or subtractions answering the purpose of three
entries of the common tables and one addition or
subtraction. They were suggested by the celebrated German
mathematician Karl Friedrich Gauss (died in 1855), and are
of great service in many astronomical computations.

Hyperbolic logarithm or Napierian logarithm or {Natural
logarithm}, a logarithm (devised by John Speidell, 1619) of
which the base is e (2.718281828459045...); -- so called
from Napier, the inventor of logarithms.

Logistic logarithms or Proportional logarithms, See under
[1913 Webster] LogarithmeticArithmetical \Ar`ith*met"ic*al\, a.
Of or pertaining to arithmetic; according to the rules or
method of arithmetic.
[1913 Webster]

Arithmetical complement of a logarithm. See Logarithm.

Arithmetical mean. See Mean.

Arithmetical progression. See Progression.

Arithmetical proportion. See Proportion.
[1913 Webster]
Arithmetical compliment of a logarithm
Complement \Com"ple*ment\, n. [L. complementun: cf. F.
compl['e]ment. See Complete, v. t., and cf. Compliment.]
1. That which fills up or completes; the quantity or number
required to fill a thing or make it complete.
[1913 Webster]

2. That which is required to supply a deficiency, or to
complete a symmetrical whole.
[1913 Webster]

History is the complement of poetry. --Sir J.
[1913 Webster]

3. Full quantity, number, or amount; a complete set;
[1913 Webster]

To exceed his complement and number appointed him
which was one hundred and twenty persons. --Hakluyt.
[1913 Webster]

4. (Math.) A second quantity added to a given quantity to
make it equal to a third given quantity.
[1913 Webster]

5. Something added for ornamentation; an accessory. [Obs.]
[1913 Webster]

Without vain art or curious complements. --Spenser.
[1913 Webster]

6. (Naut.) The whole working force of a vessel.
[1913 Webster]

7. (Mus.) The interval wanting to complete the octave; -- the
fourth is the complement of the fifth, the sixth of the
[1913 Webster]

8. A compliment. [Obs.] --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

Arithmetical compliment of a logarithm. See under

Arithmetical complement of a number (Math.), the difference
between that number and the next higher power of 10; as, 4
is the complement of 6, and 16 of 84.

Complement of an arc or Complement of an angle (Geom.),
the difference between that arc or angle and 90[deg].

Complement of a parallelogram. (Math.) See Gnomon.

In her complement (Her.), said of the moon when represented
as full.
[1913 Webster]
Binary logarithms
Logarithm \Log"a*rithm\ (l[o^]g"[.a]*r[i^][th]'m), n. [Gr.
lo`gos word, account, proportion + 'ariqmo`s number: cf. F.
logarithme.] (Math.)
One of a class of auxiliary numbers, devised by John Napier,
of Merchiston, Scotland (1550-1617), to abridge arithmetical
calculations, by the use of addition and subtraction in place
of multiplication and division.

Note: The relation of logarithms to common numbers is that of
numbers in an arithmetical series to corresponding
numbers in a geometrical series, so that sums and
differences of the former indicate respectively
products and quotients of the latter; thus,
0 1 2 3 4 Indices or logarithms
1 10 100 1000 10,000 Numbers in geometrical progression
Hence, the logarithm of any given number is the
exponent of a power to which another given invariable
number, called the base, must be raised in order to
produce that given number. Thus, let 10 be the base,
then 2 is the logarithm of 100, because 10^2 = 100,
and 3 is the logarithm of 1,000, because 10^3 =
[1913 Webster]

Arithmetical complement of a logarithm, the difference
between a logarithm and the number ten.

Binary logarithms. See under Binary.

Common logarithms, or Brigg's logarithms, logarithms of
which the base is 10; -- so called from Henry Briggs, who
invented them.

Gauss's logarithms, tables of logarithms constructed for
facilitating the operation of finding the logarithm of the
sum of difference of two quantities from the logarithms of
the quantities, one entry of those tables and two
additions or subtractions answering the purpose of three
entries of the common tables and one addition or
subtraction. They were suggested by the celebrated German
mathematician Karl Friedrich Gauss (died in 1855), and are
of great service in many astronomical computations.

Hyperbolic logarithm or Napierian logarithm or {Natural
logarithm}, a logarithm (devised by John Speidell, 1619) of
which the base is e (2.718281828459045...); -- so called
from Napier, the inventor of logarithms.

Logistic logarithms or Proportional logarithms, See under
[1913 Webster] LogarithmeticBinary \Bi"na*ry\, a. [L. binarius, fr. bini two by two, two at
a time, fr. root of bis twice; akin to E. two: cf. F.
Compounded or consisting of two things or parts;
characterized by two (things).
[1913 Webster]

Binary arithmetic, that in which numbers are expressed
according to the binary scale, or in which two figures
only, 0 and 1, are used, in lieu of ten; the cipher
multiplying everything by two, as in common arithmetic by
ten. Thus, 1 is one; 10 is two; 11 is three; 100 is four,
etc. --Davies & Peck.

Binary compound (Chem.), a compound of two elements, or of
an element and a compound performing the function of an
element, or of two compounds performing the function of

Binary logarithms, a system of logarithms devised by Euler
for facilitating musical calculations, in which 1 is the
logarithm of 2, instead of 10, as in the common
logarithms, and the modulus 1.442695 instead of .43429448.

Binary measure (Mus.), measure divisible by two or four;
common time.

Binary nomenclature (Nat. Hist.), nomenclature in which the
names designate both genus and species.

Binary scale (Arith.), a uniform scale of notation whose
ratio is two.

Binary star (Astron.), a double star whose members have a
revolution round their common center of gravity.

Binary theory (Chem.), the theory that all chemical
compounds consist of two constituents of opposite and
unlike qualities.
[1913 Webster]