
Sets with restricted universal quantifiers.

["Logic Programming with Sets", G. Kuper, J Computer Sys Sci
41:44-64 (1990)].
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podobné slovodefinícia
helps,pomáhá v: Zdeněk Brož
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scalps,skalpuje v: Zdeněk Brožscalps,skalpy n: pl. Zdeněk Brož
the alps
the Alps, n:
the lord helps those who help themselves
the Lord helps those who help themselves,
yelps,kňučí Zdeněk Brož
alpská pastvina
alpská pastvina,alpn: Zdeněk Brož
hope this helps!
Hope This Helps!,HTH[zkr.]
medvědice alpská
medvědice alpská,alpine bearberryn: [bot.] Arctostaphylos alpina mykhal
Phelps,Phelpsn: [jmén.] příjmení, okres v USA Zdeněk Brož a automatický
předalpský,cisalpineadj: Zdeněk Brož
zaalpský,transalpineadj: Zdeněk Brožzaalpský,ultramontaneadj: Zdeněk Brož
n 1: a large mountain system in south-central Europe; scenic
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Australian Alps
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dolomite alps
Dolomite Alps
n 1: an eastern range of the Alps in northeastern Italy famous
for their dolomitic limestone
the alps
the Alps
n 1: a large mountain system in south-central Europe; scenic
beauty and winter sports make them a popular tourist
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Tyrolean Alps
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1. An interpreted algebraic language for the
Bendix G15 developed by Dr. Richard V. Andree (? - 1987),
Joel C. Ewing and others of the University of Oklahoma from
Spring 1966 (possibly 1965).

Dale Peters reports that in the summer
of 1966 he attended the second year of an NSF-sponsored
summer institute in mathematics and computing at the
University of Oklahoma. Dr. Andree's computing class mostly
used the language GO-GO, later renamed ALPS. The language
changed frequently during the class, which was occasionally
disorienting. Dale believes it was also used in Summer 1965
and that it was about this time that John G. Kemeny (one of
the designers of Dartmouth BASIC, 1963) saw it during a

Dr. Andree's January 1967 class mimeo notes on ALPS begin:
"ALPS is a new programming language designed and perfected by
Mr. Harold Bradbury, Mr. Joel Ewing and Mr. Harold Wiebe,
members of the O.U. Mathematics Computer Consultants Group
under the direction of Dr. Richard V. Andree. ALPS is
designed to be used with a minimum of training to solve
numerical problems on a computer with typewriter stations and
using man-computer cooperation by persons who have little
familiarity with advanced mathematics."

The initial version of what evolved into ALPS was designed and
implemented by Joel Ewing (a pre-senior undergrad) in G15
machine language out of frustration with the lack of
applications to use the G15's dual-case alphanumeric I/O
capabilities. Harold Wiebe also worked on the code. Others,
including Ralph Howenstine, a member of the O.U. Math Computer
Consultants Group, contributed to the design of extensions and
Dr. Andree authored all the instructional materials, made the
outside world aware of the language and encouraged work on the


2. A parallel logic language.

["Synchronization and Scheduling in ALPS Objects",
P. Vishnubhotia, Proc 8th Intl Conf Distrib Com Sys, IEEE
1988, pp. 256-264].


North American Presentation-Level-Protocol Syntax. Format for
sending text and graphics over communication lines. Used by
videotex systems.
North American Presentation Level Protocol Syntax (BBS)
OnLine Programming System
WHELPS. The young of certain animals of a base nature, or ferae naturae.
2. It is a rule that when no larceny can be committed of any creatures
of a base nature, which are ferae naturae, though tame and reclaimed, it
cannot be committed of the young of such creatures in the nest, kennel, or
den. 3 Inst. 109; 1 Russ. on Cr. 153.
3. The owner of the land is, however, considered to have a qualified
property in such animals, ratione impotentia. 2 Bl. Com. 394.

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