Magellanic cloud
Magellanic cloud \Mag`el*lan"ic cloud\, n. (Astron.)
Either of two conspicuous celestial nebulae near the south
celestial pole, resembling thin white clouds, each of which
is a galaxy[2] smaller than but separate from the Milky Way
galaxy, and together they are the galactic formations nearest
to our galaxy. They are not visible from the northern
hemisphere, and are named after Ferdinand Magellan, who saw
them in his expedition, which passed through the Strait of
Magellan in South America, and one ship of which completed
the first circumnavigation of the globe.
[1913 Webster]
magellanic cloud
Magellanic Cloud
n 1: either of two small galaxies orbiting the Milky Way;
visible near the south celestial pole
podobné slovodefinícia
Black Magellanic Cloud
Coalsack \Coal"sack`\, n. [Coal + 2d sack.] (Astron.)
Any one of the spaces in the Milky Way which are very black,
owing to the nearly complete absence of stars; esp., the
large space near the Southern Cross sometimes called the
Black Magellanic Cloud.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]
Magellanic cloud
Magellanic cloud \Mag`el*lan"ic cloud\, n. (Astron.)
Either of two conspicuous celestial nebulae near the south
celestial pole, resembling thin white clouds, each of which
is a galaxy[2] smaller than but separate from the Milky Way
galaxy, and together they are the galactic formations nearest
to our galaxy. They are not visible from the northern
hemisphere, and are named after Ferdinand Magellan, who saw
them in his expedition, which passed through the Strait of
Magellan in South America, and one ship of which completed
the first circumnavigation of the globe.
[1913 Webster]
large magellanic cloud
Large Magellanic Cloud
n 1: the larger of the two Magellanic Clouds visible from the
southern hemisphere
small magellanic cloud
Small Magellanic Cloud
n 1: the smaller of the two Magellanic Clouds visible from the
southern hemisphere

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