- mandatory
podobné slovodefinícia
mandatary,mandatář Zdeněk Brožmandatary,plnomocník n: Zdeněk Brož
Mandatary \Man"da*ta*ry\, n. [L. mandatarius, fr. mandatum a
charge, commission, order: cf. F. mandataire. See Mandate.]
1. One to whom a command or charge is given; hence,
specifically, a person to whom the pope has, by his
prerogative, given a mandate or order for his benefice.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Law) One who undertakes to discharge a specific business
commission; a mandatory. --Wharton.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: the recipient of a mandate [syn: mandatary, mandatory]
MANDATARIUS. One who is entrusted with and undertakes to perform a mandate.
This word is used by the civilians in the same sense that we use mandatary.
Poth. du Mandat, n. 1.

MANDATARY, contracts. One who undertakes to perform a mandate. Jones' Bailm.
53; Story on Bailm. 38. Dr. Halifax calls him mandatee. Halif. Anal. Civ.
Law, 70, Sec. 16, 17.
2. It is the duty of a mere mandatory, it is said, to take ordinary
care of the property entrusted to him. Vide Negligence. But it has been held
that he is liable only for gross negligence. 14 S. & R. 275; 2 Hawks, R.
145; 2 Murph. R. 373; 3 Dana, R. 205; 3 Mason, R. 132; 11 Wend, R. 25;
Wright, R. 598; 1 Bouv. 1st. n. 1073.

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