masked ball
masked ball, n:
Masked ball
Masked \Masked\, a.
1. Wearing a mask or masks; characterized by masks;
concealed; hidden.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Bot.) Same as Personate.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Zool.) Having the anterior part of the head differing
decidedly in color from the rest of the plumage; -- said
of birds.
[1913 Webster]

Masked ball, a ball in which the dancers wear masks.

Masked battery (Mil.), a battery so placed as not to be
seen by an enemy until it opens fire. --H. L. Scott.

Masked crab (Zool.), a European crab ({Corystes
cassivelaunus}) with markings on the carapace somewhat
resembling a human face.

Masked pig (Zool.), a Japanese domestic hog ({Sus
pliciceps}). Its face is deeply furrowed.
[1913 Webster]
masked ball
masked ball
n 1: a ball at which guests wear costumes and masks [syn:
masked ball, masquerade ball, fancy-dress ball]
podobné slovodefinícia
Masked ball
Masked \Masked\, a.
1. Wearing a mask or masks; characterized by masks;
concealed; hidden.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Bot.) Same as Personate.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Zool.) Having the anterior part of the head differing
decidedly in color from the rest of the plumage; -- said
of birds.
[1913 Webster]

Masked ball, a ball in which the dancers wear masks.

Masked battery (Mil.), a battery so placed as not to be
seen by an enemy until it opens fire. --H. L. Scott.

Masked crab (Zool.), a European crab ({Corystes
cassivelaunus}) with markings on the carapace somewhat
resembling a human face.

Masked pig (Zool.), a Japanese domestic hog ({Sus
pliciceps}). Its face is deeply furrowed.
[1913 Webster]

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