Maurice,Maurice n: [jmén.] příjmení, ženské křestní jméno, mužské
křestní jméno Zdeněk Brož a automatický překlad
Maurice,Mauricen: [jmén.] příjmení, ženské křestní jméno, mužské křestní
jméno Zdeněk Brož a automatický překlad
podobné slovodefinícia
alexis charles henri maurice de tocqueville
Alexis Charles Henri Maurice de Tocqueville
n 1: French political writer noted for his analysis of American
institutions (1805-1859) [syn: Tocqueville, {Alexis de
Tocqueville}, {Alexis Charles Henri Maurice de
charles maurice de talleyrand
Charles Maurice de Talleyrand
n 1: French statesman (1754-1838) [syn: Talleyrand, {Charles
Maurice de Talleyrand}]
count maurice maeterlinck
Count Maurice Maeterlinck
n 1: Belgian playwright (1862-1949) [syn: Maeterlinck, {Count
Maurice Maeterlinck}]
francois maurice marie mitterrand
Francois Maurice Marie Mitterrand
n 1: French statesman and president of France from 1981 to 1985
(1916-1996) [syn: Mitterrand, Francois Mitterrand,
Francois Maurice Marie Mitterrand]
hermann maurice saxe
Hermann Maurice Saxe
n 1: a French marshal who distinguished himself in the War of
the Austrian Succession (1696-1750) [syn: Saxe, {Hermann
Maurice Saxe}, comte de Saxe, Marshal Saxe]
maurice barrymore
Maurice Barrymore
n 1: United States actor; husband of Georgiana Emma Barrymore
and father of Ethel Barrymore and John Barrymore and Lionel
Barrymore (1847-1905) [syn: Barrymore, {Maurice
Barrymore}, Herbert Blythe]
maurice chevalier
Maurice Chevalier
n 1: French actor and cabaret singer (1888-1972) [syn:
Chevalier, Maurice Chevalier]
maurice de vlaminck
Maurice de Vlaminck
n 1: French painter and exponent of fauvism (1876-1958) [syn:
Vlaminck, Maurice de Vlaminck]
maurice hugh frederick wilkins
Maurice Hugh Frederick Wilkins
n 1: English biochemist who helped discover the structure of DNA
(1916-2004) [syn: Wilkins, Maurice Wilkins, {Maurice
Hugh Frederick Wilkins}]
maurice ravel
Maurice Ravel
n 1: French composer and exponent of Impressionism (1875-1937)
[syn: Ravel, Maurice Ravel]
maurice utrillo
Maurice Utrillo
n 1: French painter noted for his paintings of Parisian street
scenes (1883-1955) [syn: Utrillo, Maurice Utrillo]
maurice wilkins
Maurice Wilkins
n 1: English biochemist who helped discover the structure of DNA
(1916-2004) [syn: Wilkins, Maurice Wilkins, {Maurice
Hugh Frederick Wilkins}]
paul adrien maurice dirac
Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac
n 1: English theoretical physicist who applied relativity theory
to quantum mechanics and predicted the existence of
antimatter and the positron (1902-1984) [syn: Dirac,
Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac]
jean-maurice-émile baudot
Jean-Maurice-Émile Baudot
J.M.E. Baudot

(1845-1903) The inventor of the Baudot code. Baudot
joined the French Post & Telegraph Administration in 1869 as a
telegraph operator. In his own time he developed a code for
sending several messages at once. In 1874 Baudot patented his
first printing telegraph where signals were translated onto paper
tape. The Baudot code was adopted first in France and then by
other nations for and transmissions.

The unit of transmission speed, baud, is named after him.


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