n 1: United States operatic tenor (born in Denmark) noted for
his Wagnerian roles (1890-1973) [syn: Melchior, {Lauritz
Melchior}, Lauritz Lebrecht Hommel Melchior]
2: (New Testament) one of the three sages from the east who came
bearing gifts for the infant Jesus; usually represented as a
king of Nubia
podobné slovodefinícia
giuseppe melchiorre sarto
Giuseppe Melchiorre Sarto
n 1: pope who condemned religious modernism; he was canonized in
1954 because of his interest in the poor (1835-1914) [syn:
Pius X, Giuseppe Sarto, Giuseppe Melchiorre Sarto]
lauritz lebrecht hommel melchior
Lauritz Lebrecht Hommel Melchior
n 1: United States operatic tenor (born in Denmark) noted for
his Wagnerian roles (1890-1973) [syn: Melchior, {Lauritz
Melchior}, Lauritz Lebrecht Hommel Melchior]
lauritz melchior
Lauritz Melchior
n 1: United States operatic tenor (born in Denmark) noted for
his Wagnerian roles (1890-1973) [syn: Melchior, {Lauritz
Melchior}, Lauritz Lebrecht Hommel Melchior]

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