Meles meles
Badger \Badg"er\, n. [OE. bageard, prob. fr. badge + -ard, in
reference to the white mark on its forehead. See Badge,n.]
1. A carnivorous quadruped of the genus Meles or of an
allied genus. It is a burrowing animal, with short, thick
legs, and long claws on the fore feet. One species ({Meles
meles} or Meles vulgaris), called also brock, inhabits
the north of Europe and Asia; another species ({Taxidea
taxus} or Taxidea Americana or Taxidea Labradorica)
inhabits the northern parts of North America. See
[1913 Webster]

2. A brush made of badgers' hair, used by artists.
[1913 Webster]

Badger dog. (Zool.) See Dachshund.
[1913 Webster]
meles meles
Meles meles
n 1: a variety of badger native to Europe and Asia [syn:
Eurasian badger, Meles meles]
podobné slovodefinícia
Meles meles
Badger \Badg"er\, n. [OE. bageard, prob. fr. badge + -ard, in
reference to the white mark on its forehead. See Badge,n.]
1. A carnivorous quadruped of the genus Meles or of an
allied genus. It is a burrowing animal, with short, thick
legs, and long claws on the fore feet. One species ({Meles
meles} or Meles vulgaris), called also brock, inhabits
the north of Europe and Asia; another species ({Taxidea
taxus} or Taxidea Americana or Taxidea Labradorica)
inhabits the northern parts of North America. See
[1913 Webster]

2. A brush made of badgers' hair, used by artists.
[1913 Webster]

Badger dog. (Zool.) See Dachshund.
[1913 Webster]

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