microcomputers,mikropočítače Zdeněk Brož
podobné slovodefinícia
control program for microcomputers
Control Program for Microcomputers

(CP/M) An early microcomputer {operating
system} written by Gary Kildall of Digital Research for
8080 and Zilog Z80-based 8-bit computers.

Many of CP/M's features and conventions strongly resemble
those of early DEC operating systems such as TOPS-10,
OS/8, RSTS and RSX-11.

CP/M was very popular in the late 1970s and Bill Gates
suggested using it as the OS for the IBM PC. IBM wanted
to own and control the OS completely but could not get Digital
Research to sign a non-disclosure agreement, which killed the
deal. CP/M was virtually wiped out by MS-DOS after the
release of the IBM PC in 1981.

The file system of MS-DOS was patterned closely on CP/M's,
including the use of 8 + 3 (upper case) character file names.
The first version (MS-DOS 1.0) was even limited to a single
directory, like CP/M.

multi-tasking program for microcomputers
Multi-tasking Program for Microcomputers

(MP/M) An operating system, written by
Gary Kildal, very similar to CP/M, also written by Kildal.
MP/M allowed virtual terminals, each of which could execute
an application while another terminal was called to the
screen with a special key combination.

See also Control Program for Microcomputers.


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