Moroni,hl.m. - Komory n: [jmén.] Zdeněk Brož a automatický překlad
Moroni,Moroni n: [jmén.] příjmení Zdeněk Brož a automatický překlad
Moroni,Moronin: [jmén.] příjmení Zdeněk Brož a automatický překlad
podobné slovodefinícia
moronic,pitomý adj: Zdeněk Brož
moronically,pitomě adv: Zdeněk Brož
moronity,debilita n: Zdeněk Brož
moronic \moronic\ adj.
having a mental age of between eight and twelve years; also
used as a derogatory term.
[WordNet 1.5]Moron \Mo"ron\ (m[=o]"r[o^]n), n. [Gr. mw^ros foolish, stupid.]
1. (Pedagogy) A mentally retarded person whose intellectual
development proceeds normally up to about the eighth year
of age and is then arrested so that there is little or no
further development; an adult having the mental
development of an 8-to-12-year old. A moron is considered
capable of doing routine work under supervision.
[Webster 1913 Suppl. +PJC]

2. Hence, a very stupid person. [informal, derogatory]
[PJC] -- mo*ron"ic adj. -- mo*ron"ic*al*ly adv. --
mo"ron*ism n. -- mo*ron"i*ty n.
Moron \Mo"ron\ (m[=o]"r[o^]n), n. [Gr. mw^ros foolish, stupid.]
1. (Pedagogy) A mentally retarded person whose intellectual
development proceeds normally up to about the eighth year
of age and is then arrested so that there is little or no
further development; an adult having the mental
development of an 8-to-12-year old. A moron is considered
capable of doing routine work under supervision.
[Webster 1913 Suppl. +PJC]

2. Hence, a very stupid person. [informal, derogatory]
[PJC] -- mo*ron"ic adj. -- mo*ron"ic*al*ly adv. --
mo"ron*ism n. -- mo*ron"i*ty n.
Moron \Mo"ron\ (m[=o]"r[o^]n), n. [Gr. mw^ros foolish, stupid.]
1. (Pedagogy) A mentally retarded person whose intellectual
development proceeds normally up to about the eighth year
of age and is then arrested so that there is little or no
further development; an adult having the mental
development of an 8-to-12-year old. A moron is considered
capable of doing routine work under supervision.
[Webster 1913 Suppl. +PJC]

2. Hence, a very stupid person. [informal, derogatory]
[PJC] -- mo*ron"ic adj. -- mo*ron"ic*al*ly adv. --
mo"ron*ism n. -- mo*ron"i*ty n.
Moron \Mo"ron\ (m[=o]"r[o^]n), n. [Gr. mw^ros foolish, stupid.]
1. (Pedagogy) A mentally retarded person whose intellectual
development proceeds normally up to about the eighth year
of age and is then arrested so that there is little or no
further development; an adult having the mental
development of an 8-to-12-year old. A moron is considered
capable of doing routine work under supervision.
[Webster 1913 Suppl. +PJC]

2. Hence, a very stupid person. [informal, derogatory]
[PJC] -- mo*ron"ic adj. -- mo*ron"ic*al*ly adv. --
mo"ron*ism n. -- mo*ron"i*ty n.
adj 1: having a mental age of between eight and twelve years
n 1: mild mental retardation [syn: moronity, {mental

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