podobné slovodefinícia
post-mortem,pitva n: Zdeněk Brožpost-mortem,posmrtně Zdeněk Brožpost-mortem,posmrtný adj: Zdeněk Brož
postmortem,pitevní adj: Zdeněk Brožpostmortem,pitva n: Zdeněk Brožpostmortem,posmrtní adj: Zdeněk Brožpostmortem,posmrtný adj: Zdeněk Brož
postmortem examination
postmortem examination, n:
Ante mortem
Ante mortem \An`te mor"tem\ [L.]
Before death; -- generally used adjectively; as, an
ante-mortem statement; ante-mortem examination.
[1913 Webster]

Note: The ante-mortem statement, or dying declaration made in
view of death, by one injured, as to the cause and
manner of the injury, is often receivable in evidence
against one charged with causing the death.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]
Post-mortem \Post-mor"tem\, a. [L., after death.]
After death; as, post-mortem rigidity.
[1913 Webster]

Post-mortem examination (Med.), an examination of the body
made after the death of the patient; an autopsy.
[1913 Webster]
Post-mortem examination
Post-mortem \Post-mor"tem\, a. [L., after death.]
After death; as, post-mortem rigidity.
[1913 Webster]

Post-mortem examination (Med.), an examination of the body
made after the death of the patient; an autopsy.
[1913 Webster]
adj 1: preceding death; "antemortem confession" [ant:
postmortal, postmortem]
n 1: discussion of an event after it has occurred [syn:
postmortem, post-mortem]
2: an examination and dissection of a dead body to determine
cause of death or the changes produced by disease [syn:
autopsy, necropsy, postmortem, post-mortem, PM,
postmortem examination, post-mortem examination]
post-mortem examination
post-mortem examination
n 1: an examination and dissection of a dead body to determine
cause of death or the changes produced by disease [syn:
autopsy, necropsy, postmortem, post-mortem, PM,
postmortem examination, post-mortem examination]
adj 1: occurring or done after death; "postmortem changes"; "a
postmortem examination to determine cause of death";
"postmortal wounds" [syn: postmortem, postmortal]
[ant: antemortem]
2: after death or after an event; "a postmortem examination to
determine the cause of death"; "the postmortem discussion of
the President's TV address"
n 1: discussion of an event after it has occurred [syn:
postmortem, post-mortem]
2: an examination and dissection of a dead body to determine
cause of death or the changes produced by disease [syn:
autopsy, necropsy, postmortem, post-mortem, PM,
postmortem examination, post-mortem examination]
postmortem examination
postmortem examination
n 1: an examination and dissection of a dead body to determine
cause of death or the changes produced by disease [syn:
autopsy, necropsy, postmortem, post-mortem, PM,
postmortem examination, post-mortem examination]
POST MORTEM. After death; as, an examination post mortem, is an examination
made of a dead body to ascertain the cause of death; an inquisition post
mortem, is one made by the coroner.

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