| podobné slovo | definícia |
snmpv2 (foldoc) | Simple Network Management Protocol version 2
(SNMP v2) A revision of {Simple Network Management
Protocol} (not just a new MIB) which includes improvements
in the areas of performance, security, confidentiality, and
manager-to-manager communications.
The major components of SNMPv2 are defined in the following
RFC 1089 - SNMP over Ethernet
RFC 1140 - IAB Official Protocol Standards
RFC 1155 - Structure and Identification of Management
Information for TCP/IP based internets
RFC 1156 (H) - Management Information Base Network
Management of TCP/IP based internets
RFC 1157 - A Simple Network Management Protocol
RFC 1158 - Management Information Base Network
Management of TCP/IP based internets: MIB-II
RFC 1161 (H) - SNMP over OSI
RFC 1187 - Bulk Table Retrieval with the SNMP
RFC 1212 - Concise MIB Definitions
RFC 1213 - Management Information Base for Network
Management of TCP/IP-based internets: MIB-II
RFC 1215 (I) - A Convention for Defining
Traps for use with the SNMP
RFC 1224 - Techniques for Managing
Asynchronously Generated Alerts
RFC 1270 (I) - SNMP Communication Services
RFC 1303 (I) - A Convention for Describing
SNMP-based Agents
RFC 1470 (I) - A Network Management Tool Catalog
RFC 1298 - SNMP over IPX
RFC 1418 - SNMP over OSI
RFC 1419 - SNMP over IPX
RFC 1441 - Introduction to SNMP v2
RFC 1442 - SMI For SNMP v2
RFC 1443 - Textual Conventions for SNMP v2
RFC 1444 - Conformance Statements for SNMP v2
RFC 1445 - Administrative Model for SNMP v2
RFC 1446 - Security Protocols for SNMP v2
RFC 1447 - Party MIB for SNMP v2
RFC 1448 - Protocol Operations for SNMP v2
RFC 1449 - Transport Mappings for SNMP v2
RFC 1450 - MIB for SNMP v2
RFC 1451 - Manager to Manger MIB
RFC 1452 - Coexistance between SNMP v1 and SNMP v2
icmpv6 (vera) | ICMPV6
Internet Control Message Protocol Version 6 (Internet, IPV6, RFC
1885), "ICMPv6"
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