Narcissus Pseudo-narcissus
Daffodil \Daf"fo*dil\ (d[a^]f"f[-o]*d[i^]l), n. [OE. affodylle,
prop., the asphodel, fr. LL. affodillus (cf. D. affodille or
OF. asphodile, aphodille, F. asphod[`e]le), L. asphodelus,
fr. Gr. 'asfo`delos. The initial d in English is not
satisfactorily explained. See Asphodel.] (Bot.)
(a) A plant of the genus Asphodelus.
(b) A plant of the genus Narcissus ({Narcissus
Pseudo-narcissus}). It has a bulbous root and beautiful
flowers, usually of a yellow hue. Called also
daffodilly, daffadilly, daffadowndilly,
daffydowndilly, etc.
[1913 Webster]

With damask roses and daffadillies set. --Spenser.
[1913 Webster]

Strow me the ground with daffadowndillies,
And cowslips, and kingcups, and loved lilies.
[1913 Webster]

A college gown
That clad her like an April daffodilly. --Tennyson
[1913 Webster]

And chance-sown daffodil. --Whittier.
[1913 Webster]
Narcissus Pseudo-Narcissus
Easter lily \Eas"ter lil`y\ (Bot.)
Any one of various lilies or lilylike flowers which bloom
about Easter; specif.:
(a) The common white lily (Lilium candidum), called also
Annunciation lily.
(b) The larger white lily (Lilium longiflorum eximium, syn.
L. Harrisii) called also Bermuda lily.
(c) The daffodil (Narcissus Pseudo-Narcissus).
(d) The Atamasco lily.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]
narcissus pseudonarcissus
Narcissus pseudonarcissus
n 1: any of numerous varieties of Narcissus plants having showy
often yellow flowers with a trumpet-shaped central crown
[syn: daffodil, Narcissus pseudonarcissus]
podobné slovodefinícia
Narcissus Pseudo-narcissus
Daffodil \Daf"fo*dil\ (d[a^]f"f[-o]*d[i^]l), n. [OE. affodylle,
prop., the asphodel, fr. LL. affodillus (cf. D. affodille or
OF. asphodile, aphodille, F. asphod[`e]le), L. asphodelus,
fr. Gr. 'asfo`delos. The initial d in English is not
satisfactorily explained. See Asphodel.] (Bot.)
(a) A plant of the genus Asphodelus.
(b) A plant of the genus Narcissus ({Narcissus
Pseudo-narcissus}). It has a bulbous root and beautiful
flowers, usually of a yellow hue. Called also
daffodilly, daffadilly, daffadowndilly,
daffydowndilly, etc.
[1913 Webster]

With damask roses and daffadillies set. --Spenser.
[1913 Webster]

Strow me the ground with daffadowndillies,
And cowslips, and kingcups, and loved lilies.
[1913 Webster]

A college gown
That clad her like an April daffodilly. --Tennyson
[1913 Webster]

And chance-sown daffodil. --Whittier.
[1913 Webster]Easter lily \Eas"ter lil`y\ (Bot.)
Any one of various lilies or lilylike flowers which bloom
about Easter; specif.:
(a) The common white lily (Lilium candidum), called also
Annunciation lily.
(b) The larger white lily (Lilium longiflorum eximium, syn.
L. Harrisii) called also Bermuda lily.
(c) The daffodil (Narcissus Pseudo-Narcissus).
(d) The Atamasco lily.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]
Narcissus Pseudo-Narcissus
Daffodil \Daf"fo*dil\ (d[a^]f"f[-o]*d[i^]l), n. [OE. affodylle,
prop., the asphodel, fr. LL. affodillus (cf. D. affodille or
OF. asphodile, aphodille, F. asphod[`e]le), L. asphodelus,
fr. Gr. 'asfo`delos. The initial d in English is not
satisfactorily explained. See Asphodel.] (Bot.)
(a) A plant of the genus Asphodelus.
(b) A plant of the genus Narcissus ({Narcissus
Pseudo-narcissus}). It has a bulbous root and beautiful
flowers, usually of a yellow hue. Called also
daffodilly, daffadilly, daffadowndilly,
daffydowndilly, etc.
[1913 Webster]

With damask roses and daffadillies set. --Spenser.
[1913 Webster]

Strow me the ground with daffadowndillies,
And cowslips, and kingcups, and loved lilies.
[1913 Webster]

A college gown
That clad her like an April daffodilly. --Tennyson
[1913 Webster]

And chance-sown daffodil. --Whittier.
[1913 Webster]Easter lily \Eas"ter lil`y\ (Bot.)
Any one of various lilies or lilylike flowers which bloom
about Easter; specif.:
(a) The common white lily (Lilium candidum), called also
Annunciation lily.
(b) The larger white lily (Lilium longiflorum eximium, syn.
L. Harrisii) called also Bermuda lily.
(c) The daffodil (Narcissus Pseudo-Narcissus).
(d) The Atamasco lily.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]

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