Neapolitan ice cream
Neapolitan ice \Ne`a*pol"i*tan ice\, Neapolitan ice cream
\Neapolitan ice cream\
(a) An ice or ice cream containing eggs as well as cream.
(b) An ice or ice cream prepared in layers, as vanilla,
strawberry, and chocolate ice cream, and orange or lemon
water ice.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]
neapolitan ice cream
Neapolitan ice cream
n 1: a block of ice cream with 3 or 4 layers of different colors
and flavors
podobné slovodefinícia
Neapolitan ice cream
Neapolitan ice \Ne`a*pol"i*tan ice\, Neapolitan ice cream
\Neapolitan ice cream\
(a) An ice or ice cream containing eggs as well as cream.
(b) An ice or ice cream prepared in layers, as vanilla,
strawberry, and chocolate ice cream, and orange or lemon
water ice.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]

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