oratory,oratorium n: Zdeněk Brož
oratory,oratoř n: Zdeněk Brož
oratory,řečnické umění n: Zdeněk Brož
Oratory \Or"a*to*ry\, n.; pl. Oratories. [OE. oratorie, fr. L.
oratorium, fr. oratorius of praying, of an orator: cf. F.
oratoire. See Orator, Oral, and cf. Oratorio.]
A place of orisons, or prayer; especially, a chapel or small
room set apart for private devotions.
[1913 Webster]

An oratory [temple] . . . in worship of Dian.
[1913 Webster]

Do not omit thy prayers for want of a good oratory, or
place to pray in. --Jer. Taylor.
[1913 Webster]

Fathers of the Oratory (R. C. Ch.), a society of priests
founded by St. Philip Neri, living in community, and not
bound by a special vow. The members are called also
[1913 Webster]
Oratory \Or"a*to*ry\, n. [L. oratoria (sc. ars) the oratorical
The art of an orator; the art of public speaking in an
eloquent or effective manner; the exercise of rhetorical
skill in oral discourse; eloquence. "The oratory of Greece
and Rome." --Milton.
[1913 Webster]

When a world of men
Could not prevail with all their oratory. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: addressing an audience formally (usually a long and
rhetorical address and often pompous); "he loved the sound
of his own oratory"
ORATORY, n. A conspiracy between speech and action to cheat the
understanding. A tyranny tempered by stenography.
podobné slovodefinícia
chemistry laboratory
chemistry laboratory, n:
corroboratory,dosvědčující adj: Zdeněk Brož
defense laboratory
defense laboratory, n:
exploratory,vysvětlující adj: Zdeněk Brožexploratory,výzkumný adj: Zdeněk Brož
exploratory mission
exploratory mission,
exploratory survey
exploratory survey, n:
laboratory,laboratorní Zdeněk Brožlaboratory,laboratoř n: laboratory,pokusný adj: Zdeněk Brož
laboratory assistant
laboratory assistant,laborant n: Zdeněk Brož
laboratory bench
laboratory bench, n:
laboratory coat
laboratory coat, n:
laboratory technician
laboratory technician,laborant n: mamm
language laboratory
language laboratory,jazyková laboratoř n: [obec.]
moratory,moratorní Zdeněk Brož
moratory interest
moratory interest,
nonexploratory, adj:
physics laboratory
physics laboratory,fyzikální laboratoř n: Clock
research laboratory
research laboratory, n:
science laboratory
science laboratory, n:
space laboratory
space laboratory, n:
unexploratory, adj:
air force research laboratory
Air Force Research Laboratory,AFRL[zkr.] [voj.] Zdeněk Brož a
automatický překlad
federal laboratory consortium
Federal Laboratory Consortium,FLC[zkr.] [voj.] Zdeněk Brož a
automatický překlad
groundwater remediation field laboratory
Groundwater Remediation Field Laboratory,GRFL[zkr.] [voj.] Zdeněk Brož
a automatický překlad
high energy microwave laboratory
High Energy Microwave Laboratory,HEML[zkr.] [voj.] Zdeněk Brož a
automatický překlad
integrated defense avionics laboratory
Integrated Defense Avionics Laboratory,IDAL[zkr.] [voj.] Zdeněk Brož a
automatický překlad
jet propulsion laboratory
Jet Propulsion Laboratory,JPL[zkr.] [voj.] Zdeněk Brož a automatický
los alamos national laboratory
Los Alamos National Laboratory,LANL[zkr.] [voj.] Zdeněk Brož a
automatický překlad
naval reseach laboratory
Naval Reseach Laboratory,NRL[zkr.] [voj.] Zdeněk Brož a automatický
navigational test and evaluation laboratory
Navigational Test and Evaluation Laboratory,NavTEL[zkr.] [voj.] Zdeněk
Brož a automatický překlad
phillips laboratory
Phillips Laboratory,PL[zkr.] [voj.] Zdeněk Brož a automatický překlad
sandia national laboratory
Sandia National Laboratory,SNL[zkr.] [voj.] Zdeněk Brož a automatický
visual electrodiagnostic laboratory
Visual Electrodiagnostic Laboratory,VEL[zkr.] [voj.] Zdeněk Brož a
automatický překlad
wright laboratory
Wright Laboratory,WL[zkr.] [voj.] Zdeněk Brož a automatický překlad
amelioratingprenominal ameliorative amelioratory meliorative
bettering \bettering\ adj.
changing for the better; -- antonym of worsening. [Narrower
terms: {ameliorating(prenominal), ameliorative, amelioratory,
[WordNet 1.5]
Commemoratory \Com*mem"o*ra*to*ry\, a.
Serving to commemorate; commemorative. --Bp. Hooper.
[1913 Webster]
Corroboratory \Cor*rob"o*ra*to*ry\ (-t?-r?), a.
Tending to strengthen; corroborative; as, corroboratory
[1913 Webster]
Laboratory \Lab"o*ra*to*ry\, n.; pl. Laboratories. [Shortened
fr. elaboratory; cf. OF. elaboratoire, F. laboratoire. See
Elaborate, Labor.] [Formerly written also elaboratory.]
1. The workroom of a chemist; also, a place devoted to
experiments in any branch of natural science; as, a
chemical, physical, or biological laboratory. Hence, by
extension, a place where something is prepared, or some
operation is performed; as, the liver is the laboratory of
the bile.
[1913 Webster]

2. Hence: Any place, activity or situation suggestive of a
scientific laboratory[1], especially in being conducive to
learning new facts by experimentation or by systematic
observation; as, the states serve as laboratories where
different new policies may be tested prior to adoption
throughout the country.
[PJC]Elaboratory \E*lab"o*ra*to*ry\, a.
Tending to elaborate.
[1913 Webster]Elaboratory \E*lab"o*ra*to*ry\, n.
A laboratory. [Obs.]
[1913 Webster]
Laboratory \Lab"o*ra*to*ry\, n.; pl. Laboratories. [Shortened
fr. elaboratory; cf. OF. elaboratoire, F. laboratoire. See
Elaborate, Labor.] [Formerly written also elaboratory.]
1. The workroom of a chemist; also, a place devoted to
experiments in any branch of natural science; as, a
chemical, physical, or biological laboratory. Hence, by
extension, a place where something is prepared, or some
operation is performed; as, the liver is the laboratory of
the bile.
[1913 Webster]

2. Hence: Any place, activity or situation suggestive of a
scientific laboratory[1], especially in being conducive to
learning new facts by experimentation or by systematic
observation; as, the states serve as laboratories where
different new policies may be tested prior to adoption
throughout the country.
[PJC]Elaboratory \E*lab"o*ra*to*ry\, a.
Tending to elaborate.
[1913 Webster]Elaboratory \E*lab"o*ra*to*ry\, n.
A laboratory. [Obs.]
[1913 Webster]
Exploratory \Ex*plor"a*to*ry\, a. [L. exploratorius.]
Serving or intended to explore; searching; examining;
explorative. --Sir H. Wotton.
[1913 Webster]
Fathers of the Oratory
Oratory \Or"a*to*ry\, n.; pl. Oratories. [OE. oratorie, fr. L.
oratorium, fr. oratorius of praying, of an orator: cf. F.
oratoire. See Orator, Oral, and cf. Oratorio.]
A place of orisons, or prayer; especially, a chapel or small
room set apart for private devotions.
[1913 Webster]

An oratory [temple] . . . in worship of Dian.
[1913 Webster]

Do not omit thy prayers for want of a good oratory, or
place to pray in. --Jer. Taylor.
[1913 Webster]

Fathers of the Oratory (R. C. Ch.), a society of priests
founded by St. Philip Neri, living in community, and not
bound by a special vow. The members are called also
[1913 Webster]
Imploratory \Im*plor"a*to*ry\, a.
Supplicatory; entreating. [R.] --Carlyle.
[1913 Webster]
Laboratory \Lab"o*ra*to*ry\, n.; pl. Laboratories. [Shortened
fr. elaboratory; cf. OF. elaboratoire, F. laboratoire. See
Elaborate, Labor.] [Formerly written also elaboratory.]
1. The workroom of a chemist; also, a place devoted to
experiments in any branch of natural science; as, a
chemical, physical, or biological laboratory. Hence, by
extension, a place where something is prepared, or some
operation is performed; as, the liver is the laboratory of
the bile.
[1913 Webster]

2. Hence: Any place, activity or situation suggestive of a
scientific laboratory[1], especially in being conducive to
learning new facts by experimentation or by systematic
observation; as, the states serve as laboratories where
different new policies may be tested prior to adoption
throughout the country.
Moratory \Mor"a*to*ry\, a. [L. moratorius delaying, fr. morari
to delay.]
Of or pertaining to delay; esp., designating a law passed, as
in a time of financial panic, to postpone or delay for a
period the time at which notes, bills of exchange, and other
obligations, shall mature or become due.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]
nonexploratory \nonexploratory\ adj.
not exploratory. Opposite of exploratory.

Syn: nonexplorative, unexploratory, unexplorative.
[WordNet 1.5]
Oratory \Or"a*to*ry\, n.; pl. Oratories. [OE. oratorie, fr. L.
oratorium, fr. oratorius of praying, of an orator: cf. F.
oratoire. See Orator, Oral, and cf. Oratorio.]
A place of orisons, or prayer; especially, a chapel or small
room set apart for private devotions.
[1913 Webster]

An oratory [temple] . . . in worship of Dian.
[1913 Webster]

Do not omit thy prayers for want of a good oratory, or
place to pray in. --Jer. Taylor.
[1913 Webster]

Fathers of the Oratory (R. C. Ch.), a society of priests
founded by St. Philip Neri, living in community, and not
bound by a special vow. The members are called also
[1913 Webster]Oratory \Or"a*to*ry\, n. [L. oratoria (sc. ars) the oratorical
The art of an orator; the art of public speaking in an
eloquent or effective manner; the exercise of rhetorical
skill in oral discourse; eloquence. "The oratory of Greece
and Rome." --Milton.
[1913 Webster]

When a world of men
Could not prevail with all their oratory. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]
Restoratory \Re*stor"a*to*ry\ (r?*st?r"?*t?*r?), a.
Restorative. [R.]
[1913 Webster]
air force research laboratory
Air Force Research Laboratory
n 1: a United States Air Force defense laboratory responsible
for discovering and developing and integrating fighting
technologies for aerospace forces [syn: {Air Force Research
Laboratory}, AFRL]
adj 1: tending to ameliorate [syn: ameliorating(a),
ameliorative, amelioratory, meliorative]
biology laboratory
biology laboratory
n 1: a laboratory for biological research [syn: biology lab,
biology laboratory, bio lab]
chemistry laboratory
chemistry laboratory
n 1: a laboratory for research in chemistry [syn: {chemistry
lab}, chemistry laboratory, chem lab]
adj 1: serving to support or corroborate; "collateral evidence"
[syn: collateral, confirmative, confirming,
confirmatory, corroborative, corroboratory,
substantiating, substantiative, validating,
validatory, verificatory, verifying]
defense laboratory
defense laboratory
n 1: a laboratory devoted to research and development for
national defense
department of defense laboratory system
Department of Defense Laboratory System
n 1: a defense laboratory that provides essential services in
fundamental science for national security and environmental
protection and provides technologies that contribute to
industrial competitiveness [syn: {Department of Defense
Laboratory System}, LABLINK]
epideictic oratory
epideictic oratory
n 1: a type of oratory used to eulogize or condemn a person or
group of people; "Pericles' funeral oration for Athenians
killed in the Peloponnesian War is a famous example of
epideictic oratory"
adj 1: serving in or intended for exploration or discovery; "an
exploratory operation"; "exploratory reconnaissance";
"digging an exploratory well in the Gulf of Mexico";
"exploratory talks between diplomats" [syn:
exploratory, explorative] [ant: nonexplorative,
nonexploratory, unexplorative, unexploratory]
exploratory survey
exploratory survey
n 1: exploring in order to gain information; "scouting in enemy
territory is very dangerous" [syn: scouting, {exploratory
survey}, reconnoitering, reconnoitring]
n 1: a workplace for the conduct of scientific research [syn:
lab, laboratory, research lab, research laboratory,
science lab, science laboratory]
2: a region resembling a laboratory inasmuch as it offers
opportunities for observation and practice and
experimentation; "the new nation is a testing ground for
socioeconomic theories"; "Pakistan is a laboratory for
studying the use of American troops to combat terrorism"
[syn: testing ground, laboratory]
laboratory bench
laboratory bench
n 1: a workbench in a laboratory [syn: lab bench, {laboratory
laboratory coat
laboratory coat
n 1: a light coat worn to protect clothing from substances used
while working in a laboratory [syn: lab coat, {laboratory
naval research laboratory
Naval Research Laboratory
n 1: the United States Navy's defense laboratory that conducts
basic and applied research for the Navy in a variety of
scientific and technical disciplines [syn: {Naval Research
Laboratory}, NRL]
adj 1: not exploratory [syn: nonexploratory, nonexplorative,
unexploratory, unexplorative] [ant: explorative,
physics laboratory
physics laboratory
n 1: a laboratory for research in physics [syn: physics lab,
physics laboratory]
research laboratory
research laboratory
n 1: a workplace for the conduct of scientific research [syn:
lab, laboratory, research lab, research laboratory,
science lab, science laboratory]
science laboratory
science laboratory
n 1: a workplace for the conduct of scientific research [syn:
lab, laboratory, research lab, research laboratory,
science lab, science laboratory]
space laboratory
space laboratory
n 1: a manned artificial satellite in a fixed orbit designed for
scientific research [syn: space station, {space
platform}, space laboratory]
u.s. army criminal investigation laboratory
U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Laboratory
n 1: a defense laboratory of the Criminal Investigation Command;
the United States Army's primary forensic laboratory in
support of criminal intelligence [syn: {United States Army
Criminal Investigation Laboratory}, {U.S. Army Criminal
Investigation Laboratory}, {US Army Criminal Investigation
Laboratory}, USACIL]
adj 1: not exploratory [syn: nonexploratory, nonexplorative,
unexploratory, unexplorative] [ant: explorative,
united states army criminal investigation laboratory
United States Army Criminal Investigation Laboratory
n 1: a defense laboratory of the Criminal Investigation Command;
the United States Army's primary forensic laboratory in
support of criminal intelligence [syn: {United States Army
Criminal Investigation Laboratory}, {U.S. Army Criminal
Investigation Laboratory}, {US Army Criminal Investigation
Laboratory}, USACIL]
us army criminal investigation laboratory
US Army Criminal Investigation Laboratory
n 1: a defense laboratory of the Criminal Investigation Command;
the United States Army's primary forensic laboratory in
support of criminal intelligence [syn: {United States Army
Criminal Investigation Laboratory}, {U.S. Army Criminal
Investigation Laboratory}, {US Army Criminal Investigation
Laboratory}, USACIL]
exploratory data analysis
Exploratory Data Analysis


[J.W.Tukey, "Exploratory Data Analysis", 1977, Addisson
human interface technology laboratory
Human Interface Technology Laboratory

(HITL) The Human Interface Technology Laboratory at the
University of Washington was founded in 1990. It is a
centre for research and development of advanced interface
technology. Located on the university campus, HITL forms a
bridge between academia and industry. It maintains its
industrial focus via the Virtual Worlds Consortium and
maintains contacts with academia by training students and
teaching courses. The lab has access to faculty and students
throughout the State of Washington.

Address: Human Interface Technology Laboratory, University of
Washington, Seattle, USA.

integrated systems laboratory
Integrated Systems Laboratory

A joint project of Control Data Corporation and
NCR Corporation, established in 1973 and dissolved in 1976.

Integrated Systems Laboratory developed {Software Writer's

Address: Escondidio, California, USA.

knowledge systems laboratory
Knowledge Systems Laboratory

(KSL) An artificial intelligence research laboratory within
the Department of Computer Science at Stanford University.
Current work focuses on knowledge representation for
sharable engineering knowledge bases and systems,
computational environments for modelling physical devices,
architectures for adaptive intelligent systems, and {expert
systems} for science and engineering.


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