Ornithopoda \Or`ni*thop"o*da\, prop. n. pl. [NL. See Ornitho-,
and -poda.] (Paleon.)
An order of herbivorous dinosaurs with birdlike
characteristics in the skeleton, esp. in the pelvis and hind
legs, which in some genera had only three functional toes,
and supported the body in walking as in Iguanodon. See
Illust. in Appendix.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: widespread group including duck-billed dinosaurs and their
early relatives (hadrosaurs, trachodon and iguanodon) [syn:
Euronithopoda, suborder Euronithopoda, euronithopod,
Ornithopoda, suborder Ornithopoda]
podobné slovodefinícia
suborder ornithopoda
suborder Ornithopoda, n:
Ornithopoda \Or`ni*thop"o*da\, prop. n. pl. [NL. See Ornitho-,
and -poda.] (Paleon.)
An order of herbivorous dinosaurs with birdlike
characteristics in the skeleton, esp. in the pelvis and hind
legs, which in some genera had only three functional toes,
and supported the body in walking as in Iguanodon. See
Illust. in Appendix.
[1913 Webster]
suborder ornithopoda
suborder Ornithopoda
n 1: widespread group including duck-billed dinosaurs and their
early relatives (hadrosaurs, trachodon and iguanodon) [syn:
Euronithopoda, suborder Euronithopoda, euronithopod,
Ornithopoda, suborder Ornithopoda]

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