slovo | definícia |
output device (wn) | output device
n 1: electronic or electromechanical equipment connected to a
computer and used to transfer data out of the computer in
the form of text, images, sounds, or other media |
output device (foldoc) | output device
Equipment connected to a computer that is used to
transfer data out of the computer, either to a human user
(e.g. as images on a monitor or sound from a loudspeaker)
or to some form of permanent record (e.g. printed text).
Most output devices are electronic with electromechanical
components (e.g. a printer or loudspeaker) and/or
electro-optical (e.g. a display screen).
Storage devices such as disk drives and {magnetic tape
drives} act as both input devices and output devices (they
are "read-write" devices), others such as some CD-ROMs may
be input only ("read-only").
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