paeon \p[ae]"on\ (p[=e]"[o^]n), n. [L. paeon, Gr. paiw`n a
solemn song, also, a p[ae]on, equiv. to paia`n. See
P[ae]an.] (Anc. Poet.)
A foot of four syllables, one long and three short, admitting
of four combinations, according to the place of the long
syllable. [Written also, less correctly, p[ae]an.]
[1913 Webster]
podobné slovodefinícia
paeony,pivoňka n: [bot.] Petr Prášek
Paeonia Mountan
Moutan \Mou"tan\, n. (Bot.)
The Chinese tree peony (Paeonia Mountan), a shrub with
large flowers of various colors.
[1913 Webster]
Paeoniaceae \Paeoniaceae\ prop. n.
A natural family of perennial rhizomatous herbs and shrubs,
native to temperate Europe and North America.

Syn: family Paeoniaceae, peony family.
[WordNet 1.5]
Corallin \Cor"al*lin\, n. [So named in allusion to the color of
red corallin, fr. L. corallum coral.] (Chem.)
A yellow coal-tar dyestuff which probably consists chiefly of
rosolic acid. See Aurin, and Rosolic acid under
[1913 Webster]

Red corallin, a red dyestuff which is obtained by treating
aurin or rosolic acid with ammonia; -- called also

Yellow corallin. See Aurin.
[1913 Webster]
paeonine \p[ae]"o*nine\ (p[=e]"[-o]*n[i^]n), n. (Chem.)
An artifical red nitrogenous dyestuff, called also {red
[1913 Webster] paeony
paeony \pae"o*ny\, Paeony \P[ae]"o*ny\(p[=e]"[-o]*n[y^]), n.
Any of numerous plants widely cultivated for their showy
single or double red or pink or white flowers; the Peony.
[1913 Webster + WordNet 1.5]Peony \Pe"o*ny\ (p[=e]"[-o]*n[y^]), n.; pl. Peonies
(p[=e]"[-o]*n[i^]z). [OE. pione, pioine, pioni, OF. pione, F.
pivoine, L. paeonia, Gr. paiwni`a, fr. Pai`wn, Paia`n, the
god of healing. Cf. P[ae]an.] (Bot.)
A plant, and its flower, of the ranunculaceous genus
P[ae]onia. Of the four or five species, one is a shrub; the
rest are perennial herbs with showy flowers, often double in
cultivation. [Written also p[ae]ony, and piony.]
[1913 Webster]
paeony \pae"o*ny\, Paeony \P[ae]"o*ny\(p[=e]"[-o]*n[y^]), n.
Any of numerous plants widely cultivated for their showy
single or double red or pink or white flowers; the Peony.
[1913 Webster + WordNet 1.5]Peony \Pe"o*ny\ (p[=e]"[-o]*n[y^]), n.; pl. Peonies
(p[=e]"[-o]*n[i^]z). [OE. pione, pioine, pioni, OF. pione, F.
pivoine, L. paeonia, Gr. paiwni`a, fr. Pai`wn, Paia`n, the
god of healing. Cf. P[ae]an.] (Bot.)
A plant, and its flower, of the ranunculaceous genus
P[ae]onia. Of the four or five species, one is a shrub; the
rest are perennial herbs with showy flowers, often double in
cultivation. [Written also p[ae]ony, and piony.]
[1913 Webster]
amorphophallus paeonifolius
Amorphophallus paeonifolius
n 1: putrid-smelling aroid of southeastern Asia (especially the
Philippines) grown for its edible tuber [syn: pungapung,
telingo potato, elephant yam, {Amorphophallus
paeonifolius}, Amorphophallus campanulatus]
family paeoniaceae
family Paeoniaceae
n 1: perennial rhizomatous herbs and shrubs; of temperate Europe
and North America [syn: Paeoniaceae, {family
Paeoniaceae}, peony family]
genus paeonia
genus Paeonia
n 1: peonies: herbaceous or shrubby plants having showy flowers
[syn: Paeonia, genus Paeonia]
n 1: peonies: herbaceous or shrubby plants having showy flowers
[syn: Paeonia, genus Paeonia]
n 1: perennial rhizomatous herbs and shrubs; of temperate Europe
and North America [syn: Paeoniaceae, {family
Paeoniaceae}, peony family]
n 1: any of numerous plants widely cultivated for their showy
single or double red or pink or white flowers [syn:
peony, paeony]

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