palmitin, n:
Palmitin \Pal"mi*tin\, n. [So called because abundant in palm
oil.] (Physiol. Chem.)
A solid crystallizable fat, found abundantly in animals and
in vegetables. It occurs mixed with stearin and olein in the
fat of animal tissues, with olein and butyrin in butter, with
olein in olive oil, etc. Chemically, it is a glyceride of
palmitic acid, three molecules of palmitic acid being united
to one molecule of glyceryl, and hence it is technically
called tripalmitin, or glyceryl tripalmitate.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: an ester of glycerol and palmitic acid
podobné slovodefinícia
tripalmitin, n:
Palmitin \Pal"mi*tin\, n. [So called because abundant in palm
oil.] (Physiol. Chem.)
A solid crystallizable fat, found abundantly in animals and
in vegetables. It occurs mixed with stearin and olein in the
fat of animal tissues, with olein and butyrin in butter, with
olein in olive oil, etc. Chemically, it is a glyceride of
palmitic acid, three molecules of palmitic acid being united
to one molecule of glyceryl, and hence it is technically
called tripalmitin, or glyceryl tripalmitate.
[1913 Webster]
Palmitin \Pal"mi*tin\, n. [So called because abundant in palm
oil.] (Physiol. Chem.)
A solid crystallizable fat, found abundantly in animals and
in vegetables. It occurs mixed with stearin and olein in the
fat of animal tissues, with olein and butyrin in butter, with
olein in olive oil, etc. Chemically, it is a glyceride of
palmitic acid, three molecules of palmitic acid being united
to one molecule of glyceryl, and hence it is technically
called tripalmitin, or glyceryl tripalmitate.
[1913 Webster]Tripalmitin \Tri*pal"mi*tin\, n. [Pref. tri- + palmitin.]
(Physiol. Chem.)
See Palmitin.
[1913 Webster]
Palmitin \Pal"mi*tin\, n. [So called because abundant in palm
oil.] (Physiol. Chem.)
A solid crystallizable fat, found abundantly in animals and
in vegetables. It occurs mixed with stearin and olein in the
fat of animal tissues, with olein and butyrin in butter, with
olein in olive oil, etc. Chemically, it is a glyceride of
palmitic acid, three molecules of palmitic acid being united
to one molecule of glyceryl, and hence it is technically
called tripalmitin, or glyceryl tripalmitate.
[1913 Webster]Tripalmitin \Tri*pal"mi*tin\, n. [Pref. tri- + palmitin.]
(Physiol. Chem.)
See Palmitin.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: a triglyceride of palmitic acid [syn: tripalmitin,
glycerol tripalmitate]

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