| podobné slovo | definícia |
parallel circuit (encz) | parallel circuit,paralelní obvod [el.] Clock |
parallel contingency financing (encz) | parallel contingency financing, |
Parallel circles of a sphere (gcide) | Parallel \Par"al*lel\, a. [F. parall[`e]le, L. parallelus, fr.
Gr. ?; para` beside + ? of one another, fr. ? other, akin to
L. alius. See Alien.]
1. (Geom.) Extended in the same direction, and in all parts
equally distant; as, parallel lines; parallel planes.
[1913 Webster]
Revolutions . . . parallel to the equinoctial.
[1913 Webster]
Note: Curved lines or curved planes are said to be parallel
when they are in all parts equally distant.
[1913 Webster]
2. Having the same direction or tendency; running side by
side; being in accordance (with); tending to the same
result; -- used with to and with.
[1913 Webster]
When honor runs parallel with the laws of God and
our country, it can not be too much cherished.
[1913 Webster]
3. Continuing a resemblance through many particulars;
applicable in all essential parts; like; similar; as, a
parallel case; a parallel passage. --Addison.
[1913 Webster]
Parallel bar.
(a) (Steam Eng.) A rod in a parallel motion which is
parallel with the working beam.
(b) One of a pair of bars raised about five feet above the
floor or ground, and parallel to each other, -- used
for gymnastic exercises.
Parallel circles of a sphere, those circles of the sphere
whose planes are parallel to each other.
Parallel columns, or Parallels (Printing), two or more
passages of reading matter printed side by side, for the
purpose of emphasizing the similarity or discrepancy
between them.
Parallel forces (Mech.), forces which act in directions
parallel to each other.
Parallel motion.
(a) (Mach.) A jointed system of links, rods, or bars, by
which the motion of a reciprocating piece, as a piston
rod, may be guided, either approximately or exactly in
a straight line. --Rankine.
(b) (Mus.) The ascending or descending of two or more
parts at fixed intervals, as thirds or sixths.
Parallel rod (Locomotive Eng.), a metal rod that connects
the crank pins of two or more driving wheels; -- called
also couping rod, in distinction from the connecting
rod. See Illust. of Locomotive, in App. -- {Parallel
ruler}, an instrument for drawing parallel lines, so
constructed as to have the successive positions of the
ruling edge parallel to each other; also, one consisting
of two movable parts, the opposite edges of which are
always parallel.
Parallel sailing (Naut.), sailing on a parallel of
Parallel sphere (Astron. & Geog.), that position of the
sphere in which the circles of daily motion are parallel
to the horizon, as to an observer at either pole.
Parallel vise, a vise having jaws so guided as to remain
parallel in all positions.
[1913 Webster] |
Parallel columns (gcide) | Parallel \Par"al*lel\, a. [F. parall[`e]le, L. parallelus, fr.
Gr. ?; para` beside + ? of one another, fr. ? other, akin to
L. alius. See Alien.]
1. (Geom.) Extended in the same direction, and in all parts
equally distant; as, parallel lines; parallel planes.
[1913 Webster]
Revolutions . . . parallel to the equinoctial.
[1913 Webster]
Note: Curved lines or curved planes are said to be parallel
when they are in all parts equally distant.
[1913 Webster]
2. Having the same direction or tendency; running side by
side; being in accordance (with); tending to the same
result; -- used with to and with.
[1913 Webster]
When honor runs parallel with the laws of God and
our country, it can not be too much cherished.
[1913 Webster]
3. Continuing a resemblance through many particulars;
applicable in all essential parts; like; similar; as, a
parallel case; a parallel passage. --Addison.
[1913 Webster]
Parallel bar.
(a) (Steam Eng.) A rod in a parallel motion which is
parallel with the working beam.
(b) One of a pair of bars raised about five feet above the
floor or ground, and parallel to each other, -- used
for gymnastic exercises.
Parallel circles of a sphere, those circles of the sphere
whose planes are parallel to each other.
Parallel columns, or Parallels (Printing), two or more
passages of reading matter printed side by side, for the
purpose of emphasizing the similarity or discrepancy
between them.
Parallel forces (Mech.), forces which act in directions
parallel to each other.
Parallel motion.
(a) (Mach.) A jointed system of links, rods, or bars, by
which the motion of a reciprocating piece, as a piston
rod, may be guided, either approximately or exactly in
a straight line. --Rankine.
(b) (Mus.) The ascending or descending of two or more
parts at fixed intervals, as thirds or sixths.
Parallel rod (Locomotive Eng.), a metal rod that connects
the crank pins of two or more driving wheels; -- called
also couping rod, in distinction from the connecting
rod. See Illust. of Locomotive, in App. -- {Parallel
ruler}, an instrument for drawing parallel lines, so
constructed as to have the successive positions of the
ruling edge parallel to each other; also, one consisting
of two movable parts, the opposite edges of which are
always parallel.
Parallel sailing (Naut.), sailing on a parallel of
Parallel sphere (Astron. & Geog.), that position of the
sphere in which the circles of daily motion are parallel
to the horizon, as to an observer at either pole.
Parallel vise, a vise having jaws so guided as to remain
parallel in all positions.
[1913 Webster] |
parallel circuit (wn) | parallel circuit
n 1: a closed circuit in which the current divides into two or
more paths before recombining to complete the circuit [syn:
parallel circuit, shunt circuit] |
coherent parallel c (foldoc) | Coherent Parallel C
A data parallel version of C.
["Coherent Parallel C", E. Felten et al in Third Conf on
Hypercube Concurrent Computers and Appls, ACM, 1988,
pp. 440-450].
parallel computer (foldoc) | parallel processor
parallel computer
A computer with more than one {central processing
unit}, used for parallel processing.
parallel computing (foldoc) | parallel processing
parallel computing
(Or "multiprocessing") The simultaneous use of more
than one computer to solve a problem. There are many
different kinds of parallel computer (or "parallel
processor"). They are distinguished by the kind of
interconnection between processors (known as "processing
elements" or PEs) and between processors and memory. {Flynn's
taxonomy} also classifies parallel (and serial) computers
according to whether all processors execute the same
instructions at the same time ("{single instruction/multiple
data}" - SIMD) or each processor executes different
instructions ("multiple instruction/multiple data" - MIMD).
The processors may either communicate in order to be able to
cooperate in solving a problem or they may run completely
independently, possibly under the control of another processor
which distributes work to the others and collects results from
them (a "processor farm"). The difficulty of cooperative
problem solving is aptly demonstrated by the following dubious
If it takes one man one minute to dig a post-hole
then sixty men can dig it in one second.
Amdahl's Law states this more formally.
Processors communicate via some kind of network or bus or a
combination of both. Memory may be either shared memory
(all processors have equal access to all memory) or private
(each processor has its own memory - "distributed memory")
or a combination of both.
Many different software systems have been designed for
programming parallel computers, both at the operating system
and programming language level. These systems must provide
mechanisms for partitioning the overall problem into separate
tasks and allocating tasks to processors. Such mechanisms may
provide either implicit parallelism - the system (the
compiler or some other program) partitions the problem and
allocates tasks to processors automatically or {explicit
parallelism} where the programmer must annotate his program to
show how it is to be partitioned. It is also usual to provide
synchronisation primitives such as semaphores and monitors
to allow processes to share resources without conflict.
Load balancing attempts to keep all processors busy by
allocating new tasks, or by moving existing tasks between
processors, according to some algorithm.
Communication between tasks may be either via shared memory
or message passing. Either may be implemented in terms of
the other and in fact, at the lowest level, shared memory uses
message passing since the address and data signals which flow
between processor and memory may be considered as messages.
The terms "parallel processing" and "multiprocessing" imply
multiple processors working on one task whereas "{concurrent
processing}" and "multitasking" imply a single processor
sharing its time between several tasks.
See also cellular automaton,symmetric multi-processing.
Usenet newsgroup: news:comp.parallel.
Institutions (http://ccsf.caltech.edu/other_sites.html),
{research groups