philadelphia lawyer
Philadelphia lawyer,
Philadelphia lawyer
Philadelphia lawyer \Philadelphia lawyer\
A lawyer knowledgeable about the most detailed and minute
points of law, especially one with an exceptional propensity
and ability to exploit fine technical points of law for the
client's advantage. [U. S.]
Philadelphia lawyer
Lawyer \Law"yer\, n. [From Law, like bowyer, fr. bow.]
1. One versed in the laws, or a practitioner of law; one
whose profession is to conduct lawsuits for clients, or to
advise as to prosecution or defence of lawsuits, or as to
legal rights and obligations in other matters. It is a
general term, comprehending attorneys, counselors,
solicitors, barristers, sergeants, and advocates.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Zool.)
(a) The black-necked stilt. See Stilt.
(b) The bowfin (Amia calva).
(c) The burbot (Lota maculosa).
[1913 Webster]

Philadelphia lawyer, A lawyer knowledgeable about the most
detailed and minute points of law, especially one with an
exceptional propensity and ability to exploit fine
technical points of law for the client's advantage.
podobné slovodefinícia
Philadelphia lawyer
Philadelphia lawyer \Philadelphia lawyer\
A lawyer knowledgeable about the most detailed and minute
points of law, especially one with an exceptional propensity
and ability to exploit fine technical points of law for the
client's advantage. [U. S.]
[PJC]Lawyer \Law"yer\, n. [From Law, like bowyer, fr. bow.]
1. One versed in the laws, or a practitioner of law; one
whose profession is to conduct lawsuits for clients, or to
advise as to prosecution or defence of lawsuits, or as to
legal rights and obligations in other matters. It is a
general term, comprehending attorneys, counselors,
solicitors, barristers, sergeants, and advocates.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Zool.)
(a) The black-necked stilt. See Stilt.
(b) The bowfin (Amia calva).
(c) The burbot (Lota maculosa).
[1913 Webster]

Philadelphia lawyer, A lawyer knowledgeable about the most
detailed and minute points of law, especially one with an
exceptional propensity and ability to exploit fine
technical points of law for the client's advantage.

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