plethysmograph, n:
Plethysmograph \Pleth"ys*mo*graph\, n. [Gr. ? an enlargement +
-graph.] (Physiol.)
An instrument for determining and registering the variations
in the size or volume of a limb, as the arm or leg, and hence
the variations in the amount of blood in the limb.
[1913 Webster] -- Pleth`ys*mo*graph"ic, a.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: a measuring instrument for measuring changes in volume of a
part or organ or whole body (usually resulting from
fluctuations in the amount of blood it contains)
podobné slovodefinícia
digital plethysmograph
digital plethysmograph, n:
Plethysmograph \Pleth"ys*mo*graph\, n. [Gr. ? an enlargement +
-graph.] (Physiol.)
An instrument for determining and registering the variations
in the size or volume of a limb, as the arm or leg, and hence
the variations in the amount of blood in the limb.
[1913 Webster] -- Pleth`ys*mo*graph"ic, a.
[1913 Webster]
Plethysmograph \Pleth"ys*mo*graph\, n. [Gr. ? an enlargement +
-graph.] (Physiol.)
An instrument for determining and registering the variations
in the size or volume of a limb, as the arm or leg, and hence
the variations in the amount of blood in the limb.
[1913 Webster] -- Pleth`ys*mo*graph"ic, a.
[1913 Webster]
Plethysmography \Pleth`ys*mog"ra*phy\, n. (Physiol.)
The study, by means of the plethysmograph, of the variations
in size of a limb, and hence of its blood supply.
[1913 Webster]
body plethysmograph
body plethysmograph
n 1: plethysmograph consisting of a chamber surrounding the
entire body; used in studies of respiration
digital plethysmograph
digital plethysmograph
n 1: plethysmograph applied to a digit of the hand or foot to
measure skin blood flow

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