- projekty
projects,projekty n: pl. Zdeněk Brož
podobné slovodefinícia
defense advanced research projects agency
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
n 1: the central research and development organization for the
United States Department of Defense; responsible for
developing new surveillance technologies since 9/11 [syn:
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, DARPA]
advanced research projects agency
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
Advanced Research Projects Agency
Defense Advanced Research Project Agency

(DARPA, ARPA) An agency of the US Department of Defense
responsible for the development of new technology for use by
the military. DARPA was established in 1958 in response to
the Soviet launching of Sputnik, with the mission of keeping
the US's military technology ahead of its enemies. DARPA is
independent from other more conventional military R&D and
reports directly to senior DoD management. DARPA has around
240 personnel (about 140 technical) directly managing a $2
billion budget. These figures are "on average" since DARPA
focusses on short (two to four-year) projects run by small,
purpose-built teams.

ARPA was its original name, then it was renamed DARPA (for
Defense) in 1972, then back to ARPA [When?], and then,
incredibly, back to DARPA again on 1996-03-11!

ARPA was responsible for funding development of ARPANET
(which grew into the Internet), as well as the Berkeley
version of Unix and TCP/IP.


History (/pub/misc/darpa).

advanced research projects agency network
Advanced Research Projects Agency Network

(ARPANET) A pioneering longhaul {wide area
network} funded by DARPA (when it was still called "ARPA"?).
It became operational in 1968 and served as the basis for
early networking research, as well as a central backbone
during the development of the Internet. The ARPANET
consisted of individual packet switching computers
interconnected by leased lines. Protocols used include
FTP and telnet. It has now been replaced by NSFnet.

[1968 or 1969?]

defense advanced research projects agency
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
Advanced Research Projects Agency
Defense Advanced Research Project Agency

(DARPA, ARPA) An agency of the US Department of Defense
responsible for the development of new technology for use by
the military. DARPA was established in 1958 in response to
the Soviet launching of Sputnik, with the mission of keeping
the US's military technology ahead of its enemies. DARPA is
independent from other more conventional military R&D and
reports directly to senior DoD management. DARPA has around
240 personnel (about 140 technical) directly managing a $2
billion budget. These figures are "on average" since DARPA
focusses on short (two to four-year) projects run by small,
purpose-built teams.

ARPA was its original name, then it was renamed DARPA (for
Defense) in 1972, then back to ARPA [When?], and then,
incredibly, back to DARPA again on 1996-03-11!

ARPA was responsible for funding development of ARPANET
(which grew into the Internet), as well as the Berkeley
version of Unix and TCP/IP.


History (/pub/misc/darpa).


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