reinvent the wheel
reinvent the wheel

To design or implement a tool equivalent to an
existing one or part of one, with the implication that doing
so is silly or a waste of time. This is often a valid
criticism. On the other hand, automobiles don't use wooden
rollers, and some kinds of wheel have to be reinvented many
times before you get them right. On the third hand, people
reinventing the wheel do tend to come up with the moral
equivalent of a trapezoid with an offset axle.

[Jargon File]

reinvent the wheel
reinvent the wheel

To design or implement a tool equivalent to an existing one or part of one,
with the implication that doing so is silly or a waste of time. This is
often a valid criticism. On the other hand, automobiles don't use wooden
rollers, and some kinds of wheel have to be reinvented many times before
you get them right. On the third hand, people reinventing the wheel do tend
to come up with the moral equivalent of a trapezoid with an offset axle.
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