Samson,Samson n: [jmén.] příjmení Zdeněk Brož a automatický překlad
Samson,Samsonn: [jmén.] příjmení Zdeněk Brož a automatický překlad
Samson \Sam"son\, n.
An Israelite of Bible record (see --Judges xiii.),
distinguished for his great strength; hence, a man of
extraordinary physical strength.
[1913 Webster]

Samson post.
(a) (Naut.) A strong post resting on the keelson, and
supporting a beam of the deck; also, a temporary or
movable pillar carrying a leading block or pulley for
various purposes. --Brande & C.
(b) In deep-well boring, the post which supports the walking
beam of the apparatus.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: (Old Testament) a judge of Israel who performed herculean
feats of strength against the Philistines until he was
betrayed to them by his mistress Delilah
2: a large and strong and heavyset man; "he was a bull of a
man"; "a thick-skinned bruiser ready to give as good as he
got" [syn: bull, bruiser, strapper, Samson]
podobné slovodefinícia
Samson \Sam"son\, n.
An Israelite of Bible record (see --Judges xiii.),
distinguished for his great strength; hence, a man of
extraordinary physical strength.
[1913 Webster]

Samson post.
(a) (Naut.) A strong post resting on the keelson, and
supporting a beam of the deck; also, a temporary or
movable pillar carrying a leading block or pulley for
various purposes. --Brande & C.
(b) In deep-well boring, the post which supports the walking
beam of the apparatus.
[1913 Webster]
Samson post
Samson \Sam"son\, n.
An Israelite of Bible record (see --Judges xiii.),
distinguished for his great strength; hence, a man of
extraordinary physical strength.
[1913 Webster]

Samson post.
(a) (Naut.) A strong post resting on the keelson, and
supporting a beam of the deck; also, a temporary or
movable pillar carrying a leading block or pulley for
various purposes. --Brande & C.
(b) In deep-well boring, the post which supports the walking
beam of the apparatus.
[1913 Webster]

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