slovo | definícia |
sandman (encz) | sandman,druh pohádkové bytosti Zdeněk Brož |
Sandman (gcide) | Sandman \Sand"man`\, n.
A mythical person who makes children sleepy, so that they rub
their eyes as if there were sand in them.
[1913 Webster] |
sandman (wn) | sandman
n 1: an elf in fairy stories who sprinkles sand in children's
eyes to make them sleepy |
sandman (foldoc) | Sandman
The DoD requirements that led to APSE.
| podobné slovo | definícia |
Sandman (gcide) | Sandman \Sand"man`\, n.
A mythical person who makes children sleepy, so that they rub
their eyes as if there were sand in them.
[1913 Webster] |
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