n 1: a congenital disease affecting T cells that can result from
a mutation in any one of several different genes; children
with it are susceptible to infectious disease; if untreated
it is lethal within the first year or two of life [syn:
severe combined immunodeficiency, {severe combined
immunodeficiency disease}, SCID]
Service Channel IDentifier
podobné slovodefinícia
class ascidiaceae
class Ascidiaceae, n:
hippoboscid, n:
inviscid,nelepkavý adj: Zdeněk Brož
mucoviscidosis,mukoviscidóza Zdeněk Brož
nonviscid, adj:
order proboscidea
order Proboscidea, n:
proboscidean, n:
proboscidian,chobotnatý adj: Zdeněk Brož
subfamily bassariscidae
subfamily Bassariscidae, n:
viscid,lepkavý adj: Zdeněk Brožviscid,vazký adj: Ritchieviscid,viskózní adj: [fyz.] Ritchie
viscid mushroom
viscid mushroom, n:
viscidity,lepkavost n: Zdeněk Brož
viscidly, adv:
viscidness, n:
mukoviscidóza,mucoviscidosis Zdeněk Brož
Ascidium \As*cid"i*um\ ([a^]s*s[i^]d"[i^]*[u^]m), n.; pl.
Ascidia (-[.a]). [NL., fr. ascus. See Ascus.]
1. (Bot.) A pitcher-shaped, or flask-shaped, organ or
appendage of a plant, as the leaves of the pitcher plant,
or the little bladderlike traps of the bladderwort
[1913 Webster]

2. pl. (Zool.) A genus of simple ascidians, which formerly
included most of the known species. It is sometimes used
as a name for the Ascidioidea, or for all the Tunicata.
[1913 Webster]
Ascidian \As*cid"i*an\, n. [Gr. ? bladder, pouch.] (Zool.)
One of the Ascidioidea, or in a more general sense, one of
the Tunicata. Also as an adj.
[1913 Webster]
Ascidiarium \As*cid`i*a"ri*um\, n. [NL. See Ascidium.] (Zool.)
The structure which unites together the ascidiozooids in a
compound ascidian.
[1913 Webster]
Ascidiform \As*cid"i*form\, a. [Gr. ? a pouch + -form.] (Zool.)
Shaped like an ascidian.
[1913 Webster]
Animal \An"i*mal\, a. [Cf. F. animal.]
1. Of or relating to animals; as, animal functions.
[1913 Webster]

2. Pertaining to the merely sentient part of a creature, as
distinguished from the intellectual, rational, or
spiritual part; as, the animal passions or appetites.
[1913 Webster]

3. Consisting of the flesh of animals; as, animal food.
[1913 Webster]

Animal magnetism. See Magnetism and Mesmerism.

Animal electricity, the electricity developed in some
animals, as the electric eel, torpedo, etc.

Animal flower (Zool.), a name given to certain marine
animals resembling a flower, as any species of actinia or
sea anemone, and other Anthozoa, hydroids, starfishes,

Animal heat (Physiol.), the heat generated in the body of a
living animal, by means of which the animal is kept at
nearly a uniform temperature.

Animal spirits. See under Spirit.

Animal kingdom, the whole class of beings endowed with
animal life. It embraces several subkingdoms, and under
these there are Classes, Orders, Families, Genera,
Species, and sometimes intermediate groupings, all in
regular subordination, but variously arranged by different

Note: The following are the grand divisions, or subkingdoms,
and the principal classes under them, generally
recognized at the present time:
Vertebrata, including Mammalia or Mammals, Aves or
Birds, Reptilia, Amphibia, Pisces or Fishes,
Marsipobranchiata (Craniota); and Leptocardia
(Acrania). Tunicata, including the Thaliacea, and
Ascidioidea or Ascidians. Articulata or Annulosa,
including Insecta, Myriapoda, Malacapoda, Arachnida,
Pycnogonida, Merostomata, Crustacea (Arthropoda); and
Annelida, Gehyrea (Anarthropoda).
Helminthes or Vermes, including Rotifera,
Ch[ae]tognatha, Nematoidea, Acanthocephala, Nemertina,
Turbellaria, Trematoda, Cestoidea, Mesozea.Ascidioidea \As*cid`i*oid"e*a\, n. pl. [NL., fr. ascidium +
-oid. See Ascidium.] (Zool.)
A group of Tunicata, often shaped like a two-necked bottle.
The group includes, social, and compound species. The gill is
a netlike structure within the oral aperture. The integument
is usually leathery in texture. See Illustration in Appendix.
[1913 Webster]
Ascidiozooid \As*cid`i*o*zo"oid\
([a^]s*s[i^]d`[i^]*[-o]*z[=o]"oid), n. [Ascidium + zooid.]
One of the individual members of a compound ascidian. See
[1913 Webster]
Ascidium \As*cid"i*um\ ([a^]s*s[i^]d"[i^]*[u^]m), n.; pl.
Ascidia (-[.a]). [NL., fr. ascus. See Ascus.]
1. (Bot.) A pitcher-shaped, or flask-shaped, organ or
appendage of a plant, as the leaves of the pitcher plant,
or the little bladderlike traps of the bladderwort
[1913 Webster]

2. pl. (Zool.) A genus of simple ascidians, which formerly
included most of the known species. It is sometimes used
as a name for the Ascidioidea, or for all the Tunicata.
[1913 Webster]
Bassariscidae \Bassariscidae\ n.
a division of mammals, in some classifications considered a
separate family.

Syn: subfamily Bassariscidae.
[WordNet 1.5]
Discide \Dis*cide"\, v. t. [L. discidere; dis- + caedere to
To divide; to cleave in two. [Obs.] --Spenser.
[1913 Webster]
Hippoboscidae \Hippoboscidae\ n.
A natural family of winged or wingless dipterans: louse

Syn: family Hippoboscidae.
[WordNet 1.5]
Macrorhinus proboscideus
Sea elephant \Sea" el"e*phant\ (s[=e]" [=e]"[-e]*fant). (Zool.)
A very large seal (Macrorhinus proboscideus) of the
Antarctic seas, much hunted for its oil. It sometimes attains
a length of thirty feet, and is remarkable for the
prolongation of the nose of the adult male into an erectile
elastic proboscis, about a foot in length. Another species of
smaller size (Macrorhinus angustirostris) occurs on the
coast of Lower California, but is now nearly extinct.
[1913 Webster]
Muscid \Mus"cid\, n.
Any fly of the genus Musca, or family Muscidae.
[1913 Webster]
Muscidae \Muscidae\ prop. n.
A natural family of two-winged flies esp. the housefly.

Syn: family Muscidae.
[WordNet 1.5]
nonviscid \nonviscid\ adj.
1. same as nonglutenous.

Syn: nonglutinous.
[WordNet 1.5]
Piscidia erythrina
Dogwood \Dog"wood`\ (-w[oo^]d`), n. [So named from skewers
(dags) being made of it. --Dr. Prior. See Dag, and
Dagger.] (Bot.)
The Cornus, a genus of large shrubs or small trees, the
wood of which is exceedingly hard, and serviceable for many
[1913 Webster]

Note: There are several species, one of which, {Cornus
mascula}, called also cornelian cherry, bears a red
acid berry. Cornus florida is the flowering dogwood,
a small American tree with very showy blossoms.
[1913 Webster]

Dogwood tree.
(a) The dogwood or Cornus.
(b) A papilionaceous tree (Piscidia erythrina) growing in
Jamaica. It has narcotic properties; -- called also
Jamaica dogwood.
[1913 Webster]
Proboscidate \Pro*bos"ci*date\, a. [See Proboscis.] (Zool.)
Having a proboscis; proboscidial.
[1913 Webster]
Proboscidea \Pro`bos*cid"e*a\, n. pl. [NL. See Proboscis.]
An order of large mammals including the elephants and
[1913 Webster]
Proboscidea louisianica
elephant-tusk \elephant-tusk\ n.
an annual of the southern U.S. and Mexico ({Proboscidea
louisianica}) having large whitish or yellowish flowers
mottled with purple and a long curving beak.

Syn: common unicorn plant, devil's claw, common devil's claw,
proboscis flower, ram's horn, Proboscidea louisianica.
[WordNet 1.5]
Proboscidean \Pro`bos*cid"e*an\, a. (Zool.)
[1913 Webster]
Proboscis \Pro*bos"cis\, n.; pl. Proboscides. [L. fr. Gr. ?; ?
before + ? to feed, graze.]
1. (Zool.) A hollow organ or tube attached to the head, or
connected with the mouth, of various animals, and
generally used in taking food or drink; a snout; a trunk.
[1913 Webster]

Note: The proboscis of an elephant is a flexible muscular
elongation of the nose. The proboscis of insects is
usually a chitinous tube formed by the modified
maxill[ae], or by the labium. See Illusts. of
Hemiptera and Lepidoptera.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Zool.) By extension, applied to various tubelike mouth
organs of the lower animals that can be everted or
[1913 Webster]

Note: The proboscis of annelids and of mollusks is usually a
portion of the pharynx that can be everted or
protruded. That of nemerteans is a special long
internal organ, not connected with the mouth, and not
used in feeding, but capable of being protruded from a
pore in the head. See Illust. in Appendix.
[1913 Webster]

3. The nose. [Jocose]
[1913 Webster]

Proboscis monkey. (Zool.) See Kahau.
[1913 Webster]
Proboscidial \Pro`bos*cid"i*al\, a. (Zool.)
[1913 Webster]
Proboscidian \Pro`bos*cid"i*an\, a. (Zool.)
Pertaining to the Proboscidea. -- n. One of the Proboscidea.
[1913 Webster]
Proboscidifera \Pro*bos`ci*dif"e*ra\, n. pl. [NL. See
Proboscis, and -ferous.]
[1913 Webster]
1. (Zool.) An extensive division of pectinibranchiate
gastropods, including those that have a long retractile
proboscis, with the mouth at the end, as the cones,
whelks, tritons, and cowries. See Illust. of Gastropoda,
and of Winkle.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Zool.) A subdivision of the t[ae]nioglossate gastropods,
including the fig-shells (Pyrula), the helmet shells
(Cassis), the tritons, and allied genera.
[1913 Webster]
Proboscidiform \Pro`bos*cid"i*form\, a.
Having the form or uses of a proboscis; as, a proboscidiform
[1913 Webster]
Roscid \Ros"cid\, a. [L. roscidus, fr. ros, roris, dew.]
Containing, or consisting of, dew; dewy. [R.] --Bacon.
[1913 Webster]
Viscid \Vis"cid\, a. [L. viscidus, fr. viscum the mistletoe,
birdlime made from the berries of the mistletoe; akin to Gr.
?: cf. F. viscide.]
Sticking or adhering, and having a ropy or glutinous
consistency; viscous; glutinous; sticky; tenacious; clammy;
as, turpentine, tar, gums, etc., are more or less viscid.
[1913 Webster]
Viscidity \Vis*cid"i*ty\, n. [Cf. F. viscidit['e].]
The quality or state of being viscid; also, that which is
viscid; glutinous concretion; stickiness.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: SCID resulting from mutation of a gene that codes for
adenosine deaminase
n 1: sometimes classified as an order: sea squirts [syn:
Ascidiaceae, class Ascidiaceae]
n 1: minute sedentary marine invertebrate having a saclike body
with siphons through which water enters and leaves
ascidian tadpole
ascidian tadpole
n 1: free-swimming larva of ascidians; they have a tail like a
tadpole that contains the notochord
n 1: in some classifications considered a separate family [syn:
Bassariscidae, subfamily Bassariscidae]
n 1: shrimpfishes [syn: Centriscidae, family Centriscidae]
class ascidiaceae
class Ascidiaceae
n 1: sometimes classified as an order: sea squirts [syn:
Ascidiaceae, class Ascidiaceae]
n 1: water beetles [syn: Dytiscidae, family Dytiscidae]
family centriscidae
family Centriscidae
n 1: shrimpfishes [syn: Centriscidae, family Centriscidae]
family dytiscidae
family Dytiscidae
n 1: water beetles [syn: Dytiscidae, family Dytiscidae]
family hippoboscidae
family Hippoboscidae
n 1: winged or wingless dipterans: louse flies [syn:
Hippoboscidae, family Hippoboscidae]
family muscidae
family Muscidae
n 1: two-winged flies especially the housefly [syn: Muscidae,
family Muscidae]
family oniscidae
family Oniscidae
n 1: a family of Isopoda [syn: Oniscidae, family Oniscidae]
family spheniscidae
family Spheniscidae
n 1: comprising all existing penguins [syn: Spheniscidae,
family Spheniscidae]
genus piscidia
genus Piscidia
n 1: genus of shrubs or small trees having indehiscent pods with
black seeds; roots and bark yield fish poisons [syn:
Piscidia, genus Piscidia]
genus proboscidea
genus Proboscidea
n 1: in some classifications included in the genus Martynia and
hence the two taxonomic names for some of the unicorn
plants [syn: Proboscidea, genus Proboscidea]
n 1: bloodsucking dipterous fly parasitic on birds and mammals
[syn: louse fly, hippoboscid]
n 1: winged or wingless dipterans: louse flies [syn:
Hippoboscidae, family Hippoboscidae]
n 1: the most common congenital disease; the child's lungs and
intestines and pancreas become clogged with thick mucus;
caused by defect in a single gene; no cure is known [syn:
cystic fibrosis, CF, {fibrocystic disease of the
pancreas}, pancreatic fibrosis, mucoviscidosis]
n 1: two-winged flies especially the housefly [syn: Muscidae,
family Muscidae]
adj 1: not resembling glue in texture [syn: nonglutinous,
n 1: a family of Isopoda [syn: Oniscidae, family Oniscidae]
order proboscidea
order Proboscidea
n 1: an order of animals including elephants and mammoths [syn:
Proboscidea, order Proboscidea]
n 1: genus of shrubs or small trees having indehiscent pods with
black seeds; roots and bark yield fish poisons [syn:
Piscidia, genus Piscidia]
piscidia erythrina
Piscidia erythrina
n 1: small tree of West Indies and Florida having large odd-
pinnate leaves and panicles of red-striped purple to white
flowers followed by decorative curly winged seedpods;
yields fish poisons [syn: Jamaica dogwood, fish fuddle,
Piscidia piscipula, Piscidia erythrina]
piscidia piscipula
Piscidia piscipula
n 1: small tree of West Indies and Florida having large odd-
pinnate leaves and panicles of red-striped purple to white
flowers followed by decorative curly winged seedpods;
yields fish poisons [syn: Jamaica dogwood, fish fuddle,
Piscidia piscipula, Piscidia erythrina]
n 1: in some classifications included in the genus Martynia and
hence the two taxonomic names for some of the unicorn
plants [syn: Proboscidea, genus Proboscidea]
2: an order of animals including elephants and mammoths [syn:
Proboscidea, order Proboscidea]
proboscidea arenaria
Proboscidea arenaria
n 1: alternatively placed in genus Martynia [syn: {sand devil's
claw}, Proboscidea arenaria, Martynia arenaria]
proboscidea fragrans
Proboscidea fragrans
n 1: a herbaceous plant of the genus Proboscidea [syn: {sweet
unicorn plant}, Proboscidea fragrans, {Martynia
proboscidea louisianica
Proboscidea louisianica
n 1: annual of southern United States to Mexico having large
whitish or yellowish flowers mottled with purple and a long
curving beak [syn: common unicorn plant, devil's claw,
common devil's claw, elephant-tusk, proboscis flower,
ram's horn, Proboscidea louisianica]
n 1: massive herbivorous mammals having tusks and a long trunk
[syn: proboscidean, proboscidian]
n 1: massive herbivorous mammals having tusks and a long trunk
[syn: proboscidean, proboscidian]
n 1: comprising all existing penguins [syn: Spheniscidae,
family Spheniscidae]
subfamily bassariscidae
subfamily Bassariscidae
n 1: in some classifications considered a separate family [syn:
Bassariscidae, subfamily Bassariscidae]

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