scrambling,míchání n: Zdeněk Brož
scrambling,šplhání n: na skálu ap. Pino
scrambling,zakódování n: Zdeněk Brož
scrambling,zamíchání n: Zdeněk Brož
Scramble \Scram"ble\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Scrambled; p. pr. &
vb. n. Scrambling.] [Freq. of Prov. E. scramb to rake
together with the hands, or of scramp to snatch at. cf.
1. To clamber with hands and knees; to scrabble; as, to
scramble up a cliff; to scramble over the rocks.
[1913 Webster]

2. To struggle eagerly with others for something thrown upon
the ground; to go down upon all fours to seize something;
to catch rudely at what is desired.
[1913 Webster]

Of other care they little reckoning make,
Than how to scramble at the shearer's feast.
[1913 Webster]
Scrambling \Scram"bling\, a.
Confused and irregular; awkward; scambling. --
Scram"bling*ly, adv.
[1913 Webster]

A huge old scrambling bedroom. --Sir W.
[1913 Webster]
podobné slovodefinícia
giant scrambling fern
giant scrambling fern, n:
Scramble \Scram"ble\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Scrambled; p. pr. &
vb. n. Scrambling.] [Freq. of Prov. E. scramb to rake
together with the hands, or of scramp to snatch at. cf.
1. To clamber with hands and knees; to scrabble; as, to
scramble up a cliff; to scramble over the rocks.
[1913 Webster]

2. To struggle eagerly with others for something thrown upon
the ground; to go down upon all fours to seize something;
to catch rudely at what is desired.
[1913 Webster]

Of other care they little reckoning make,
Than how to scramble at the shearer's feast.
[1913 Webster]Scrambling \Scram"bling\, a.
Confused and irregular; awkward; scambling. --
Scram"bling*ly, adv.
[1913 Webster]

A huge old scrambling bedroom. --Sir W.
[1913 Webster]
Scrambling \Scram"bling\, a.
Confused and irregular; awkward; scambling. --
Scram"bling*ly, adv.
[1913 Webster]

A huge old scrambling bedroom. --Sir W.
[1913 Webster]
giant scrambling fern
giant scrambling fern
n 1: large scrambling fern forming large patches to 18 feet
high; Pacific region and China [syn: {giant scrambling
fern}, Diplopterygium longissimum]

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