slovo | definícia |
sec-amyl alcohol (gcide) | Amyl alcohol \Am"yl al"co*hol\ (Org. Chem.)
Any of eight isomeric liquid alcohols (C5H11.OH),
transparent, colorless liquids. It is the hydroxide of amyl.
Also called amylic alcohol. The amyl alcohol obtained from
fusel oil is mostly isoamyl alcohol (3-methyl-1-butanol or
1-hydroxy-3-methylbutane), with some sec-amyl alcohol
(2-methyl-1-butanol or 2-pentanol), and has a
characteristic peculiar odor. Other than n-amyl alcohol
(also called 1-pentanol) the other isomeric pentanols are
not usually refered to as amyl alcohol. The amyl alcohol
mixture in fusel oil forms a colorless liquid with a peculiar
cough-exciting odor and burning taste. It is used as a source
of amyl compounds, such as amyl acetate, amyl nitrite, etc.
[Webster 1913 Suppl. +PJC] |
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