seine,rybářská síť n: velká rybářská síť, pomocí závaží na jednom konci
a plováků na druhém zůstává ve vodě ve vertikální poloze Jiří Dadák
Seine \Seine\, n. [F. seine, or AS. segene, b?th fr. L. sagena,
Gr. ????.] (Fishing.)
A large net, one edge of which is provided with sinkers, and
the other with floats. It hangs vertically in the water, and
when its ends are brought together or drawn ashore incloses
the fish.
[1913 Webster]

Seine boat, a boat specially constructed to carry and pay
out a seine.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: a French river that flows through the heart of Paris and
then northward into the English Channel [syn: Seine,
Seine River]
2: a large fishnet that hangs vertically, with floats at the top
and weights at the bottom
v 1: fish with a seine; catch fish with a seine
SEINE, n. A kind of net for effecting an involuntary change of
environment. For fish it is made strong and coarse, but women are
more easily taken with a singularly delicate fabric weighted with
small, cut stones.

The devil casting a seine of lace,
(With precious stones 'twas weighted)
Drew it into the landing place
And its contents calculated.

All souls of women were in that sack --
A draft miraculous, precious!
But ere he could throw it across his back
They'd all escaped through the meshes.
Baruch de Loppis
podobné slovodefinícia
purse seine
purse seine, n:
Casein \Ca"se*in\, n. [Cf. F. cas['e]ine, fr. L. caseur cheese.
Cf. Cheese.] (Physiol. Chem.)
A proteid substance present in both the animal and the
vegetable kingdom. In the animal kingdom it is chiefly found
in milk, and constitutes the main part of the curd separated
by rennet; in the vegetable kingdom it is found more or less
abundantly in the seeds of leguminous plants. Its reactions
resemble those of alkali albumin. [Written also caseine.]
magenta \ma*gen"ta\ (m[.a]*j[e^]n"t[.a]), n. (Chem.)
An aniline dye obtained as an amorphous substance having a
green bronze surface color, which dissolves to a shade of
red; also, the color; -- so called from Magenta, in Italy, in
allusion to the battle fought there about the time the dye
was discovered. Called also fuchsin, fuchsine, roseine,
[1913 Webster]

2. The purplish-red color of magenta.
[PJC]Roseine \Ro"se*ine\ (? or ?), n.
See Magenta.
[1913 Webster]
magenta \ma*gen"ta\ (m[.a]*j[e^]n"t[.a]), n. (Chem.)
An aniline dye obtained as an amorphous substance having a
green bronze surface color, which dissolves to a shade of
red; also, the color; -- so called from Magenta, in Italy, in
allusion to the battle fought there about the time the dye
was discovered. Called also fuchsin, fuchsine, roseine,
[1913 Webster]

2. The purplish-red color of magenta.
[PJC]Roseine \Ro"se*ine\ (? or ?), n.
See Magenta.
[1913 Webster]
Seine \Seine\, n. [F. seine, or AS. segene, b?th fr. L. sagena,
Gr. ????.] (Fishing.)
A large net, one edge of which is provided with sinkers, and
the other with floats. It hangs vertically in the water, and
when its ends are brought together or drawn ashore incloses
the fish.
[1913 Webster]

Seine boat, a boat specially constructed to carry and pay
out a seine.
[1913 Webster]
Seine boat
Seine \Seine\, n. [F. seine, or AS. segene, b?th fr. L. sagena,
Gr. ????.] (Fishing.)
A large net, one edge of which is provided with sinkers, and
the other with floats. It hangs vertically in the water, and
when its ends are brought together or drawn ashore incloses
the fish.
[1913 Webster]

Seine boat, a boat specially constructed to carry and pay
out a seine.
[1913 Webster]
Seiner \Sein"er\, n.
One who fishes with a seine.
[1913 Webster]
purse seine
purse seine
n 1: a seine designed to be set by two boats around a school of
fish and then closed at the bottom by means of a line
seine river
Seine River
n 1: a French river that flows through the heart of Paris and
then northward into the English Channel [syn: Seine,
Seine River]

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