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podobné slovodefinícia
The Mysticete or whalebone whales having no true teeth after birth but with a series of plates of whalebone see Baleen hanging down from the upper jaw on each side thus making a strainer through which they receive the small animals upon which they feed
Cetacea \Ce*ta"ce*a\, n. pl. [NL., from L. cetus whale, Gr. ?.]
An order of marine mammals, including the whales. Like
ordinary mammals they breathe by means of lungs, and bring
forth living young which they suckle for some time. The
anterior limbs are changed to paddles; the tail flukes are
horizontal. There are two living suborders:
(a) The {Mysticete or whalebone whales, having no true
teeth after birth, but with a series of plates of
whalebone [see Baleen.] hanging down from the upper jaw
on each side, thus making a strainer, through which they
receive the small animals upon which they feed.}
(b) The {Denticete, including the dolphins and sperm whale,
which have teeth. Another suborder (Zeuglodontia) is
extinct. The Sirenia were formerly included in the
Cetacea, but are now made a separate order.}
[1913 Webster]

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