- žltohnedý, siena, sienska hneď
sienna,siena n: Zdeněk Brož
sienna,žlutohnědý adj: Zdeněk Brož
Sienna \Si*en"na\, n. [It. terra di Siena, fr. Siena in Italy.]
Clay that is colored red or brown by the oxides of iron or
manganese, and used as a pigment. It is used either in the
raw state or burnt.
[1913 Webster]

Burnt sienna, sienna made of a much redder color by the
action of fire.

Raw sienna, sienna in its natural state, of a transparent
yellowish brown color.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: an earth color containing ferric oxides; used as a pigment
podobné slovodefinícia
raw sienna
raw sienna, n:
Burnt sienna
Sienna \Si*en"na\, n. [It. terra di Siena, fr. Siena in Italy.]
Clay that is colored red or brown by the oxides of iron or
manganese, and used as a pigment. It is used either in the
raw state or burnt.
[1913 Webster]

Burnt sienna, sienna made of a much redder color by the
action of fire.

Raw sienna, sienna in its natural state, of a transparent
yellowish brown color.
[1913 Webster]
Raw sienna
Sienna \Si*en"na\, n. [It. terra di Siena, fr. Siena in Italy.]
Clay that is colored red or brown by the oxides of iron or
manganese, and used as a pigment. It is used either in the
raw state or burnt.
[1913 Webster]

Burnt sienna, sienna made of a much redder color by the
action of fire.

Raw sienna, sienna in its natural state, of a transparent
yellowish brown color.
[1913 Webster]
Sienna \Si*en"na\, n. [It. terra di Siena, fr. Siena in Italy.]
Clay that is colored red or brown by the oxides of iron or
manganese, and used as a pigment. It is used either in the
raw state or burnt.
[1913 Webster]

Burnt sienna, sienna made of a much redder color by the
action of fire.

Raw sienna, sienna in its natural state, of a transparent
yellowish brown color.
[1913 Webster]
Terra di Sienna
Terra \Ter"ra\, n. [It. & L. See Terrace.]
The earth; earth.
[1913 Webster]

Terra alba [L., white earth] (Com.), a white amorphous
earthy substance consisting of burnt gypsum, aluminium
silicate (kaolin), or some similar ingredient, as
magnesia. It is sometimes used to adulterate certain
foods, spices, candies, paints, etc.

Terra cotta. [It., fr. terra earth + cotta, fem. of cotto
cooked, L. coctus, p. p. of coquere to cook. See Cook,
n.] Baked clay; a kind of hard pottery used for statues,
architectural decorations, figures, vases, and the like.

Terrae filius [L., son of the earth], formerly, one
appointed to write a satirical Latin poem at the public
acts in the University of Oxford; -- not unlike the
prevaricator at Cambridge, England.

Terra firma [L.], firm or solid earth, as opposed to

Terra Japonica. [NL.] Same as Gambier. It was formerly
supposed to be a kind of earth from Japan.

Terra Lemnia [L., Lemnian earth], Lemnian earth. See under

Terra ponderosa [L., ponderous earth] (Min.), barite, or
heavy spar.

Terra di Sienna. See Sienna.
[1913 Webster]
burnt sienna
burnt sienna
n 1: a shade of brown with a tinge of red [syn: reddish brown,
sepia, burnt sienna, Venetian red, mahogany]
2: a reddish-brown pigment produced by roasting sienna
raw sienna
raw sienna
n 1: a medium to dark tan color [syn: yellowish brown, {raw
sienna}, buff, caramel, caramel brown]
2: a yellowish-brown pigment made from untreated sienna

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